Magzter - Digital Magazine & Newsstand

Terms and Conditions

Effective as of May 24, 2018

Welcome to Magzter, the world's largest and fastest growing self-service digital magazine store and Newsstand!

Access to, browsing and use of the Magzter website, Internet services and mobile device apps ("App") are subject to the following Terms and Conditions ("Terms"). Please read these Terms carefully. Creating an account with Magzter ("we", "us") or otherwise using any Magzter or Magzter related service or App will signify that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. These Terms constitute a binding agreement between you and Magzter Inc. and affiliates. If you do not agree to these Terms, you may not use the Service. THESE TERMS CONTAIN WARRANTY DISCLAIMERS AND OTHER PROVISIONS THAT LIMIT THE LIABILITY OF MAGZTER, SO PLEASE READ THESE TERMS IN THEIR ENTIRETY. Magzter reserves the right to immediately terminate your access to the website, service or Magzter related app, if you do not comply with this agreement. The Magzter website, Internet services and mobile device apps collectively constitute the "Service". This Service is owned and operated by Magzter Inc. The Service includes the website and the App that provides you the capability to order, subscribe to and receive the delivery of various magazines, books, news and magazine and publication related content (collectively known as "Publications") and to have these digital versions of the Publications delivered to you.

These Terms and Conditions and the other rules, guidelines, licenses and disclaimers posted on the Service (on the Magzter website or Magzter Apps constitute the entire agreement between Magzter and you with respect to your use of the Service and supersede all previous written or oral agreements between us with respect to the subject matter hereof. These Terms shall be governed by the statutes and laws of the State of New York.

From time to time, Magzter may revise these Terms and Conditions to keep them up to date with Magzter products and services. Please refer to the Magzter website and Magzter Apps periodically for any changes. The update date first written above is used to alert you to recent modifications. Your access or use of the Service subsequent to such an update will signify your assent to be bound by such changes.

If you have any questions regarding our terms and conditions, please email us at