FSAI Journal Magazine - March - April 2019

FSAI Journal Magazine Description:
Publisher: FSAI
Category: Technology
Language: English
Frequency: Bi-Monthly
FSAI Journal is the official publication of the Fire & Security Association of India (FSAI), published by Sakarr Publications.
FSAI Journal provides latest and updated information on products and technologies from the world-over on fire protection, life safety, loss prevention, risk management, surveillance, security, building automation, cyber security and so on, issue-after-issue!
The content of FSAI Journal is vetted and approved by the Editorial Board, constituted by FSAI. It therefore provides latest, updated and authentic information on new products and technologies. In short, FSAI Journal is aimed at becoming a knowledge-sharing platform for the professionals from fire safety and security industry.
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In this issue
The March-April Issue of the journal is themed on – Fire Life Safety & Security – Hotels & Hospitals. This is an apt theme for the issue considering the rising number of fire & security related incidents that are being witnessed across these type of establishments. The issue covers detailed reports on the recently concluded FSIE Expo, FIST Awards as well as the recently marathons conducted at Pune and Chennai. The issue contains articles on Hotels Safety & Security by Alwyn Noronha and AK Kaul. This issue also marks the start of a series of articles from NFPA Journal. The first article in the series focuses on Hospitals Safety. The issue contains an interaction with Dr. Lallu Joseph focusing on Fire Safety in hotels. FSAI also announces the creation of first of its king CCTV Development standards for Luxury Hotels.
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