Wood & Panel Europe Magazine - Wood & Panel Europe Mar- Apr 2024

Wood & Panel Europe Magazine Description:
Publisher: Wood & Panel
Category: Technology
Language: English
Frequency: Bi-Monthly
Wood & Panel Europe is the bi-monthly digital magazine that covers what industry professionals prefer to know to accelerate their business operations. Ranging from SME decision-makers to multinational production plant managers, we are read by all. Our subject caters to forestry, high-end automated technologies, panel manufacturing, solidwood processing, veneers, laminates, finished and semi-finished products, construction, general woodworking and a lot more. Be it the cover page or the inside lay-outs, this e-zine is designed astoundingly to play the magnet to our readers.
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In this issue
As the industry embraces Prefabrication in construction, we put the spotlight on the process and the final look- Dr. Stefan Bockel from
Weinmann updates on the process while Robert Schmitz from White Arkitekter speaks about the award winning Scandinavian construction- Sara Cultural Centre.
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