Nuyou Singapore - September 2023Add to Favorites

Nuyou Singapore - September 2023Add to Favorites

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In this issue

一起来“造反”!《女友》这期以ANTI(反)为题,探讨如何以不同(也绝对不犯法)方式“造反”!2023年秋冬时尚季启动,T台上就有众多“反对声浪”——有反浪漫主义、强调精简线条和主张没多余装饰的anti-romanticism,有反传统及规则的anti-establishment反叛庞克风,有anti-mini宣告迷你包的“寿终正寝”,还有男装世界越来越anti-macho的柔美着装方式。Anti-glare邀来美甲艺术家打造四款哑面美甲,谁说一定要够闪才行?另介绍四款新上市清爽护肤品,让肌肤零负担的同时也助你维持anti-gravity的紧致!人物故事超精彩:anti-noise的她放弃一切到云南小镇“从零开始”、anti-excess的他选择舍弃生活非必需品住进集装箱小屋、anti-colours的她只穿黑服饰却说自己内心很多彩、anti-"social"的她拒绝拥有个人社媒账号后有更多时间做让她快乐的事、anti-fast fashion的她耗时费力钩织出服饰网卖倡导反快时尚。还有三位在衣着、彩妆或事业选择上不遵循大众规则的anti-conformists,告诉你勇敢做自己最实在!

Nuyou Singapore Magazine Description:

PublisherSPH Media Limited


LanguageChinese - Simplified

Frequency11 Issues/Year

Nuyou Singapore Magazine is a monthly bilingual (English and Chinese) fashion and beauty magazine published by SPH Media Limited in Singapore. It is one of the most popular women's magazines in the country.

Nuyou is known for its coverage of the latest fashion trends, beauty tips, celebrity gossip, and relationship advice. It also features articles on travel, food, and culture.

Nuyou is a popular read among women in Singapore who are interested in fashion, beauty, and lifestyle. It is a must-read for anyone who wants to stay informed about the latest trends and developments in the Singaporean fashion and lifestyle scene.

Here are some of the benefits of subscribing to Nuyou Singapore Magazine:

* Stay informed about the latest fashion trends, beauty tips, celebrity gossip, and relationship advice.
* Discover new and emerging fashion brands and designers.
* Get tips on how to dress for different occasions and seasons.
* Learn about the latest beauty products and treatments.
* Get inspired by the latest celebrity fashion and beauty trends.

Subscribe today and start your journey to a more informed and engaged fashionista!

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