Vogue Türkiye Magazine - May 2022Add to Favorites

Vogue Türkiye Magazine - May 2022Add to Favorites

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In this issue

Trail bikes don’t have to come with 150-160mm travel, Canyon reckons, and to prove it the direct-sales giant has launched the new Spectral 125, with minimal travel and aggressive geometry ideal for big terrain. Will it prove undergunned or slot nicely into the new breed of short-travel rippers? Plus, we ride the mixed-wheel size Evil Insurgent MX 29 and the Santa Cruz Chameleon hardtail.

Every rider needs a track pump – it’ll help you to quickly inflate your tyres and seat a tubeless bead too. And unless you’re riding exclusively on coil-sprung suspension front and rear, you’ll also need a shock pump to dial in your sag. We’ve got six of each on test, covering all price points..

Vogue Türkiye Magazine Description:

PublisherTurkuvaz Dergi



Frequency11 Issues/Year

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Vogue Turkiye sayfalarnda okuduunuz tm arpc konular, video ve interaktivite ile zenginletirilmi ierii ile dijital ortamda da sizlerle. Moda ve populer hayatn merkezinde yer alan tm yenilikler. Dnyann ve Trkiyenin yldzlaryla grsel len. Sezonun ne kan trendleri. Stil sahibi kadnlar iin en k alveri nerileri. Gzellik ve bakm iin son gelimeler. Sanattan seyahate, salktan gurmeye pek ok farkl alanda en Vogue bak alar. Vogue Turkiye ekimlerinin en renkli fotoraflar, kamera arkasnda yaananlar, gen yetenekler, baarl profiler ve etkileyici fikirler.

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