Volusia Parent Magazine - January 2020

Volusia Parent Magazine Description:
Publisher: Brady Media Inc
Category: Parenting
Language: English
Frequency: Monthly
The premier family magazines of Volusia County (Florida) The most valuable, one-stop, local parenting resources available, and the first place parents look to for local events, opportunities, products, and services that affect their families each and every month.
Each month Volusia Parent bring parents the best information and resources available to assist them in tackling the most important job in the world - parenting. Our solution-oriented articles address a myriad of parenting dilemmas. From discipline and child development issues to education, safety concerns, and everything in between. Our extensive family calendar helps parents plan activities for their children throughout the month.
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In this issue
Happy New Year! We are delighted to bring you our New Beginnings issue! The new year brings with it a fresh start and is a time for resetting your goals and the actions needed to reach them.
In response to the feedback of our readers, we are beginning a new column this month – Legally
Speaking. We will be covering different legal subjects that affect families.
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