Montana Woods N Water Magazine - March 2017

Montana Woods N Water Magazine Description:
Publisher: Montana Woods N Water
Category: Lifestyle
Language: English
Frequency: Monthly
Montana Woods N Water is a monthly print and digital publication covering hunting, fishing and trapping in NW Montana and the lifestyle and scenery locals enjoy. Montanans are "Living The Dream" everyday!
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In this issue
This March issue is loaded! Tom Fieber shares his stories about all the encounters with bears he has had and how to use bear spray, Montana Dan had a great trapping season, Jerry Berry takes us back to the good old days with a grizzly trapping story, Tony Rebo talks about ways to stay safe on early spring ice when ice fishing, Nathan Albertson ponders winter’s transition into spring, and MWnW reveals some exciting changes along with a photo contest for Beards, Bears, Antlers, and Anglers!
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