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Wood News- All Issues

Wood News is India’s leading and premier magazine for the wood-working sector ,having been continuously published for 34 years. . It is a bi-monthly title and is a must-read publication for those involved in furniture manufacturing, construction and interior design with a circulation readership of 68000 readers across India. A part from this, the flip magazine is also sent to a large database of woodworking professionals.. PDA Trade Media – Making it happen for you, your company, and your people. After all, it is people that matter the most. WoodNews is India's premier magazine in the woodworking sector, having been continuously published for 34 years. It is the only woodworking magazine from India recognised by the International Woodworking and Furniture Supplier Magazines’ Association (AFSM). Each of the 26 select magazines on the AFSM list is published by the most esteemed institutions of their respective countries. It is a bi-monthly title and is a must-read publication for those involved in wood-based industries, including furniture manufacturing, panels, construction, architecture, and interior design.

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