
Trigger Finger
Ask any top surf coach and the two elements they will concentrate on and recommend are a solid bottom turn and being able to develop speed - as they say, speed is your friend, and many of the best surfers on the planet also happen to be the fastest surfers.

Ladies and Gentleman Choose Your Weapons: How to decide on your next surfboard.

The Olympians
Over 50 years ago surfing’s greatest ambassador of all time, the legendary Duke Kahanamoku, had a vision that one day surfing would become an Olympic sport.

The Gladiator Pit
Born from the era of the Roman Empire, armed combatants known as gladiators would enter the arena also known as the Gladiator Pit to face up against other gladiators, animals and criminals in fierce battle in what was seen as entertainment often ending in death to one or the other.

Rising Grom Asia Braithwaite
There are those young athletes that get into sport who possess natural talent, even the X-factor, yet as the road is usually a far-too-easy passage, they either take it for granted or don’t push beyond their capabilities.

Licence To Score
The adventures behind the wheel of Mount Grom Luke Griffin.

Land Of The Long Lefts
It was the year 1966 and the sport of surfing was sweeping the world.

Theshapeshifter - Roger Hall
Ever heard of a Mini Simmons?

The Road Less Travelled
Take a look at a map of our coastline and you will see thousands of kilometres of coastline, 15,000 to be almost exact, making it the 9th longest in the world.

Then & Now
It was the early 80s and the world of sport was evolving rapidly.

The OG Returns
It was the year 1958 when two surfers from Malibu sailed into Auckland harbour during a round-the-world trip, and after asking around about where they could ride some waves and after many funny looks, they were pointed in the direction of a beach named Piha.

The Half Time Report
On the surface travelling the world from one epic surf destination to another seems like a dream you’d never want to wake up from, yet when that travelling is fixated around the World Qualifying Series, at times it can be more of a nightmare.

Out From The Darkness - With Sir John Kirwan
It is often said that going for a surf helps clear the head, resets one’s self, or levels out emotions.

Back Beyond The Horizon
On October 12th, 2009, out beyond the horizon an elite group of NZ’s best surfers arrived at a remote reef after motoring in a straight line 25km out to sea.

We're reserving this spot for those local guys & girls that adorn surf spots the length of Aotearoa, living for the purity and stoke of each and every surf at their local. They don't chase the limelight, nor really care what is going on amongst the world surfing scene. They're just surfing for the love of it, whenever they can. This issue we're introducing a man, who when it comes to being from NZ, has a rather unfortunate nickname of ‘Sheep.’ Mt Maunganui local, Alex 'Sheep' Sutherland shares some life facts.

Inside Out With Paige Hareb
They say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

Raglan Road Rager
Where star power meets long left-hand points!

Rising Grom Saffi Vette
There was a time when if a woman surfer paddled out into the lineup, heads spun and the macho sound of a male-dominated arena changed its tone somewhat, with those present all of a sudden offering advice, phone numbers and every pickup line you could imagine.

Rising Grom Natasha Gouldsbury
Meet 14-year-old Natasha Gouldsbury — one of those who had a dream and made it happen by way of her self-belief and discipline, growing up in the most unlikely place for a champion surfer to come out of, yet now ready to take herself to the next level living amongst the core scene of surfing in Taranaki.

Rip Curl International Grom Search Final Raglan
Over the years of all the international junior surf comps held in NZ, these competitions have given our own junior surfers a chance to mix it with the best talents in the world, given a taste of what is needed to make it on the global stage and given our surf populations in attendance a glimpse into the future of world surfing.

The Man Behind The Mag
After 23 years immersed in surf publications and 10 years as our Editor, Cory Scott takes the reign of the 33-year legacy in NZ Surfing Magazine.

Remember When:
A regular throwback to moments in NZ surfing history.

Behind The Cover
On the 11th Of February at approximately 12:13PM spawned by the fury of a tropical depression hundreds of kilometres out to sea, a gigantic lump of water made its way toward the East Coast of NZ, honing in on a relatively small piece of rock slab off the coast of the Mahia Peninsula. While there had been some monumental waves ridden at this reef dubbed ‘Big Brother’ several timed over the last eight years, nothing had ever been seen so large and angry as this lump of water.

Blinded By A wave
We’ve seen it on the news, a traveller paraded before the worlds media as an example of what happens when you break certain countries laws.

The Awakening
Big Brother erupts and redefines the realm of ‘big-wave’ surfing here in NZ

The Barrett Homes Open Papamoa Lights Up
It’s no secret that the Bay of Plenty surf zones of Mt Maunganui while offering up classy waves on their day, are well associated with long flat spells, inconsistent surf and appearing almost lake like at times.

Theshapeshifter Roger Hall
Fish tend to swim in schools which is ironic really, given that in a surfboard context, it appears to take a more individual line of thought to ride one.

The East Side Dream Run
It’s no secret that the East Coast of our country aside from the zones of Gisborne and Dunedin can be fickle beasts, with long flat swells and short period wind swells usually being the staple diet.

Back In The Hood

The Shapeshifter
All things surfboards brought to you by the mastermind of design