Stealth Evo 6 XHR - 594
The name might be a bit of a mouthful, but before you go reaching for your German-made Enigma code cracker, the Evo 6 is much easier to decipher.
Go With The Flow
Getting the best fuel consumption by cutting down on caravan drag
Where Eagles Soar
Eagle Falls Country Lodge, Uniondale, Western Cape
Bushveld Paradise
Bigger isn’t always better. I discovered this at Riverside Paradise, a small but lovely campsite on the edge of the Elands River some 20 kilometres from Cullinan.
Gooderson...Better ...Best
A scenic road trip four hours from Gauteng enjoying many activities including relaxing in therapeutic hot springs
Holidays Have Never Been Better
Pine Lodge Resort & Conference Centre, Eastern Cape
Summit Karenga
Pretoria Caravans, the agents for the Summit range of off-road trailers, has launched a new addition to the range, the Summit Karenga.
Needing Caravan/Trailer Components?
Roadque produce everything from axles, to tow hitches, to fully independent off-road suspensions for caravans and trailers.
Okto Gravellor
Okto Caravans release their new gravel traveller caravan … and it’s a winner!
Updates News And Views
What you need to know in the caravan and camping world
Destination Wonder Caravan
As André van Helsdingen the designer and builder of the new Destination Wonder caravan explains, “The Wonder is not about camping but about having a holiday in style!” This eight-meter luxury caravan, with its fully independent suspension and twin oversized shock absorbers, is fully capable of taking you on any reasonable gravel road in the country.
Fun With The X Factor
We review the smaller Discoverer FunX 4X4 motorhome
Around the campfire
Readers share their outdoor adventures and air their views
A Shaded Glade
George Country Resort, Western Cape
What You Need To Know In The Caravan And Camping World
Meet the new and exclusive model called the Mammoth, in Bush Lapa’s range of 4x4 off-road motorhomes.
The Story Behind Gecko
Often it’s the story behind the story that ignites the spark.
Off The Grid
When Eskom is dire … light a braai fire
Much More Than Just The Seaside!
Feel like beach sand between your toes, a round of golf, or going for a cycle? You can get all this and more at Corian’s, plus a celebratory discount this summer!
Millennials On The Move
What happens when you welcome in the wonderful outdoor world?
Conservation - Swadini's New Dragonfly
Campers love nature, the world has gone green, discover the wildlife your campsite may bring!
Get Going!
Most of us go through the never-ending cycle of work, home, sleep, roll on weekend and then we repeat this cycle over and over again.
Gourmet Campfire Cooking
Try a change to camp meals - pack this handy electric baking dish
Made In The Shade
Kleine Bela Family Resort, Bela Bela, limpopo
Getting Away From It
De Voetpadkloof holiday Resort, Mpumalanga
From Rough To Ready
InspireTrails camper van refurbish
For Hardcore Campers And Off-Roaders!
Pietersrivier Nature Reserve, De Vlugt, Western Cape
Check Mate! Knight
Move over Magnus Carlsen, Garry Kasparov and Bobby Fisher, there is a new potential chess grandmaster on the rise in South African caravan circles, and they have just declared “Checkmate”!
Caravan Clinic
Our expert answers your technical questions & gives camping advice
Around The Campfire
Readers share their outdoor adventures and air their views
A Canopy For Camping
See what’s cooking with our Isuzu D-Max