No space to spare- an influx of rescued goats
Matt Huggins makes an unusual appeal for new foster homes
Treats for Valentines Day
Henrietta Balcon looks at the traditions surrounding this celebration of love
Are you legal to transport livestock?
Agricultural journalist, smallholder and editor of Ford & Fordson Tractors Magazine Jane Brooks, joins us for her regular look at the world of agricultural machinery.
Soil Farmer of the Year competition launched on World Soil Day
Farmers can now enter the 2025 Soil Farmer of the Year competition, which will celebrate leadership in soil management as a tool to support the overall resilience of farm businesses. Entries close 5th March, 2025
Getting kitted out for safety and comfort
Claire Waring considers the personal equipment you need when starting beekeeping.
Laying hens doing a cracking job helping young farmer plough his own furrow
Joining Farmlay as a contract producer has helped a young Scottish farmer transform a modest acreage into a profitable concern.
What Can Chickens Eat for Treats?
Most of us with chickens want to provide some treats as a supplement to their core food, either to encourage their trust or simply “just because”. Fiona & Hugh Osborne guide you through the options.
The Andalusian, a beautiful Mediterranean light breed which has some genetic quirks
This Mediterranean breed was known in the early 1800s, but the colours then were black or white.
The waddle of wee webbed feet
Many ducks will soon come into lay but you need to plan ahead if you want to breed ducklings
Consider Cheshire for stunning countryside but also a county of culture
Sue Field writes our regular column about the best places for smallholder living
Get the right balance for good health
From laminitis to obesity, to urology or constipation or looseness, Emily Wansbrough, Smallholder Nutritionist from The Smallholder Range discusses why diseases are caused by unbalanced feeding
Hedges are nature's corridors as well as field barriers
John Sones says to be aware of hedgerow law and how to find funding
The Inner Workings of a Goat Herd
Understanding how a herd works for its members is important to the welfare of goats
Are Sheep Really Stupid?
Wade Muggleton disagrees – and so will you when you find out why!
Top honours and top price for Old English Game trio
A trio of home-bred Pyle Old English Game bantams from regular Co. Durham exhibitor Andrew Addison was the standout entry and reached one of the mart's highest poultry prices ever when they dazzled at CCM Skipton's Craven Feather Auctions Christmas show and sale.
How to Buy a Smallholding in France- Long-time smallholder Lorraine Turnbull looks at the practicalities of moving to rural France
Aspiring smallholders are continually thwarted by the prices of smallholdings and property with land located within the UK. Even the humblest croft in Scotland comes with a substantial price tag and conditions which would make even an adventurous wannabee consider carefully. But all is not lost. For those willing to take the adventure of a lifetime, there is always Europe, and one of the most popular places is France.
Meet the Bournemouth goats and their supporters
These capricious animals are hard workers preserving the natural habitat
Still warm enough to sit outside with a Pizza
Henrietta Balcon uses fresh figs to create an unusual dish at Harvest time
Goodbye to the birds of spring and summer
If you look and listen you might be able to see them preparing to leave says The RSPB
Get ready for the colder weather in the warmth of late summer
Claire Waring advises on doing the best to make sure your colonies survive until next spring
Preparing the Veg Patch for Winter
Lee Senior says, a well-run plot can excitingly continue to produce good quality, tasty, fresh food for much of winter
Time to prepare to plant your orchard
Wade Muggleton, smallholder and author of The Orchard Book, shares his practical experience so you can create your own fruit collection
Choosing feed for the autumn
As autumn approaches, Joanna Palmer, nutritionist at the Smallholder Range, offers advice on choosing the right feed to support your adult birds through their annual moult and ensure your young birds grow and finish well at this time of the year.
Vet advice from an experienced poultry vet
Reflecting on how much the humble hen has helped people world wide plus advice on stopping the scourge of red mite
Give your hens some support
Paul Donovan looks at the right and wrong ways of handling birds
The wonderful world of poultry shows is in full swing
Time to have a go!’ says Grant Brereton who explains how to get the best from your first entry
The Chicken Keepers Nightmare: Red Mite
If you ask chicken keepers what they dread most in terms of poultry pests most will say Red Mite. Fiona and Hugh Osborne have found that they can be treated and controlled with some simple steps.
Wild in Campsea - NIMBYism at its best! (That's Nature In My Back Yard!!)
Sue Field finds out more about this community that Grows Together’
Ruminations of a Yorkshire Vet
Julian Norton chooses an extract from his latest book
Petite but perfectly formed
Rebecca Farner, Editor of Vineyard magazine, visits a small vineyard