
Burning Out Of Control
More And More Men Are Taking Sick Days Because Of Burnout. Not “Sick” Days, Either. Sick Days. As In, About One In Four Of Us End Up In Hospital. Here’S How Not To Get Fried.

Heavy Lifting
Joshua Capazorio Is One of South Africa’s Most Dedicated, Diverse and Disciplined Coaches. He Doesn’t Just Talk or Train; He Lives by His Own Programmes, Too. Here’s How He’s Going to Make You Stronger.

Ask The Magician
Straight-up Advice From a Stand-up Guy

My Inner Warrior, Awakened
Every day is a new challenge, and whether you choose to face it head on or run away depends on how much steel you have in your mental armoury.

The Girl Next Door
To beard or not to beard? Some women love them, but I had a girlfriend once who said mine was too scratchy.

Sky Chaser
Marc Schroeder had it all – a highpaying finance job, a luxury car, and a spacious home. He also had a crippling drug addiction. His choice: give up everything he knew – or find himself in an early grave.

The Cover Guy Blueprint
The man on the front of this magazine has worked hard to get there. Here's what hes learned, so you can end up there too.

Work It From Home
Fantasy life, or a fresh kind of hell? Listen to the men who make it work.

Dialling Down Depression
Depression is the one thing athletes havent ever spoken about until now. Could an app help you minimise the emotional fallout after a big event?

Breast Cancer Isn't Just A Women's Issue
October is breast cancer awareness month; and although men make up only 1% of cases, they often ignore the signs until its too late. This months challenge: set a monthly reminder to perform a breast examination it could save your life.

What Happens When I Get A Beer Belly?
Beer gut, dad bod, skinny fat – whatever you call it, weight around your waist can be deadly. Here’s how to deflate the danger.

Does Your Smartphone Make You A Dumb Dad?
All My Fears About Sending Texts, Tweeting Like A Madman, And Refreshing My News Feed Are Calmed By One Person: My Son.

Build Bulk While Busy
Aaron Isn’t Just Brawn; He Has Brains, Too. He Has A Bachelor Of Science Degree In Biodiversity And Ecology, And His Honours Degree In Biodiversity And Ecology, Specialising In Phylogenetics. Plus, He’s About To Start His Masters, Working On Velvet Worms. Yes,’s How To Get Cover-guy Strength With A Crammed Schedule.

Inside The Fat Lab
At The Pennington Biomedical Research Centre, An Avengers-style Team Of Experts Are Working Together To Find New Ways To Win The War Against Fat. A Report From The Front Lines – And What The Findings Mean For You.

Reboot Your Meal Prep
In the kitchen, art meets science. Elevate eating well to a higher level with these nutritional tools.

Can An OTC Fat Burner Help You Drop Kilos?
Loads Of Pills And Potions Advertise Safe And Quick Weight Loss. Christa Sgobba Looks At Whether Their “Active” Ingredients Actually Work.

The Body Issue
Champions come in all shapes and sizes. Whether running faster, throwing further, or handstand walking for longer than the rest of the world, these seven athletes optimise their physiques to stay at the very top. Learn from their example

Formula For Success
Find Out How Emerging Speed Ace Pierre Gasly Stays Preternaturally Cool In The Hot Zone Of F1 Racing.

This Car Saved My Life
When The Mclaren He Was In Drove Off A California Hillside, Sean Evans Thought It Was All Over. The Car’s Designers Had Other Ideas.

Rise From the Ashes
From the jaws of addiction to a silver medal in the Olympics – Luvo Manyonga is a man resurrected

Discipline Your Day
Efficiency tips from the CEO who put fitness on your wrist

What Escorts Can Teach a Married Man
Apply the principles of paid-for sex to your marriage – and reap the rewards

Happy Trails, Killer Cardio
Power your strength, endurance and mental focus into high gear by riding dirt

Whatsapp With That?

What She Knows - Burning Bright

In The Line Of Fire
Lee Phillips is an everyday hero. The 42-year-old firefighter rushes in to burning buildings, and puts his life at risk for others. Being strong and fit isn’t for magazine covers; it’s to make sure he gets out of that building alive – together with those he rescues. Here’s how he does it:

24 Ways To Hack Your Fat-loss Genes
If you’re looking to lose weight, there are options. BY LOUEE DESSENT-JACKSON AND SCARLETT WRENCH

The Kilojoule Backlash
So you want to lose five kilos? Science has a few different variations on how to go about it (and the Internet has hundreds more!). Amid the debate, though, one thing is growing increasingly clear: the once-all-important kilojoule is busted.

Married With Credit Cards
Ever feel like no matter what you try, you end up even more buried in debt? So did this couple – until they took charge.

Winning The Prostate Cancer War
There may be new hope – and new treatments – for men with deadly tumours.