Top prices paid for Angus
Farmer's Weekly

Top prices paid for Angus

As part of our Breed of the Month segment, we take a look at some of the highest prices paid for Angus cattle across the globe, and we include the auction calendar for Angus sales in South Africa from May to July.

2 mins  |
May 20, 2022
An Overview of Namibia's Agri Sector
Farmer's Weekly

An Overview of Namibia's Agri Sector

In a recent report, the Namibia Agricultural Union outlined the state of that country’s agriculture sector, and how it has been affected by COVID-19 and other factors.

5 mins  |
May 06, 2022
A Bright Future for Drones on Farms
Farmer's Weekly

A Bright Future for Drones on Farms

Research conducted by Dr Lauren Meiring of Stellenbosch University on the collision-avoidance systems of unmanned aerial vehicles such as drones could help boost the use of these machines on farms.

2 mins  |
May 06, 2022
Using livestock for healthier soil
Farmer's Weekly

Using livestock for healthier soil

Angus McIntosh, a livestock farmer at Spier, recently hosted an information day during which he discussed the importance of ‘outdoor’ livestock production for the future of food security.

6 mins  |
May 06, 2022
Exploring the traits of the Angus
Farmer's Weekly

Exploring the traits of the Angus

While the Aberdeen-Angus may have its roots in Scotland, it is thriving in South Africa due to its meat quality and maternal abilities, amongst other traits, according to the Angus Society of South Africa.

2 mins  |
May 06, 2022
Farmer's Weekly

Growing the flamingo flower

Anthurium growers can be assured of a ready market, with these flowers being popular as decorations for weddings and other special events.

3 mins  |
May 06, 2022
Seven secrets of success for small farmers
Farmer's Weekly

Seven secrets of success for small farmers

Farming is like running any other business: you need to be realistic and practical in how you go about it. Roelof Bezuidenhout lists some crucial pointers to help you out.

3 mins  |
May 06, 2022
How Angus cattle add value to a fruit farm
Farmer's Weekly

How Angus cattle add value to a fruit farm

The production of Angus cattle enables Western Cape farmer Gielie Geldenhuys to make use of land unsuitable for fruit or onion production. He spoke to Glenneis Kriel about his diversification enterprise.

7 mins  |
May 06, 2022
The benefits of conservation agriculture
Farmer's Weekly

The benefits of conservation agriculture

Erosion and climate change have created a food insecurity time bomb for Africa. Palesa Motaung, a soil scientist working for Asset Research, and Themakholo Mathebula, a field officer with the Mahlatini Development Foundation, explained at a recent research symposium how conservation agriculture is helping smallholder farmers face these daunting challenges. Susan Marais reports.

7 mins  |
May 06, 2022
Animal Agriculture Is Key to Food Systems
Farmer's Weekly

Animal Agriculture Is Key to Food Systems

According to a recently published paper, food products derived from animals offer a wide selection of nutrients that humans need for cell tissue development, function, health and survival.

3 mins  |
April 22 & 29, 2022 - Double Issue
Groundwater: key to Africa's agri potential
Farmer's Weekly

Groundwater: key to Africa's agri potential

Groundwater is an essential tool in agricultural production. However, it remains an untapped resource in Africa, as this recently published report shows.

5 mins  |
Farmer's Weekly 15 April 2022
What GPS trackers reveal about Cape Town's baboon troop movements
Farmer's Weekly

What GPS trackers reveal about Cape Town's baboon troop movements

In this study, Anna Bracken, who recently completed her PhD at Swansea University in Wales, used GPS technology to research the collective behaviour of chacma baboons in an urban area.

4 mins  |
Farmer's Weekly 15 April 2022
Marketing and animal welfare: key to success
Farmer's Weekly

Marketing and animal welfare: key to success

Innovative marketing and customer relationships are essential to a modern piggery, says Shaun Mockford of Mockford Farms in Limpopo. He spoke to Magda du Toit about running a superior pig production operation.

7 mins  |
April 22 & 29, 2022 - Double Issue
Waging war against Tuta absoluta in Pongola
Farmer's Weekly

Waging war against Tuta absoluta in Pongola

In Pongola, the tomato leaf miner is threatening the sustainability of family-run Basaki Boerdery, one of the last tomato producers in the area. Brothers Sakkie and André Terblanche spoke to Lindi Botha about their strategy for fighting this pest.

7 mins  |
Farmer's Weekly 15 April 2022
How to identify and control eelworm
Farmer's Weekly

How to identify and control eelworm

Potatoes are vulnerable to eelworm, which can significantly reduce yield and create unsightly marks on tubers.

2 mins  |
Farmer's Weekly 15 April 2022
Performance testing for the commercial farmer
Farmer's Weekly

Performance testing for the commercial farmer

Frans Jordaan and Dr Ben Greyling of the Agricultural Research Council write about the important role that performance testing plays in increasing a commercial herd's fertility and profitability.

7 mins  |
Farmer's Weekly 15 April 2022
Comfort and relaxation in Worcester
Farmer's Weekly

Comfort and relaxation in Worcester

The Habit is the perfect place to unwind and enjoy a break away from the city.

3 mins  |
Farmer's Weekly 15 April 2022
Improve soil for healthy fruit trees
Farmer's Weekly

Improve soil for healthy fruit trees

In this article, an expert looked at ways to improve the soil’s ability to supply more water and nutrients to fruit trees.

3 mins  |
Farmer's Weekly 15 April 2022
Factors hampering SA's sugar industry
Farmer's Weekly

Factors hampering SA's sugar industry

Thabile Nkunjana, an agricultural economist at the National Agricultural Marketing Council (NAMC), and Dr Sifiso Ntombela, chief economist at the NAMC, examine the decline in South Africa’s sugar production and the factors threatening future growth.

4 mins  |
Farmer's Weekly 15 April 2022
Dealing with barber's pole worm in sheep and goats
Farmer's Weekly

Dealing with barber's pole worm in sheep and goats

The resistance of internal parasite species to worm remedies affects all small-stock farmers. In some areas, farming with animals resistant to nematode infestation seems to be the only long-term solution.

4 mins  |
Farmer's Weekly 15 April 2022
Achieving good growth with superior genetics
Farmer's Weekly

Achieving good growth with superior genetics

A successful commercial beef cattle enterprise is one that keeps cow mortalities to a minimum, while achieving maximum weaner growth. Rian van Wyk, who farms Brangus in Mpumalanga, spoke to Lindi Botha about his breeding philosophy.

8 mins  |
Farmer's Weekly 15 April 2022
A basic checklist to keep sheep healthy and productive
Farmer's Weekly

A basic checklist to keep sheep healthy and productive

The price of replacement livestock has increased dramatically in recent years, so it's important to obtain the highest possible lamb weaning rate. Shane Brody explains how to achieve this.

3 mins  |
Farmer's Weekly 15 April 2022
Grazing horses and sheep together
Farmer's Weekly

Grazing horses and sheep together

Recent behavioural research conducted in Poland has confirmed that the grazing patterns of sheep and horses are compatible.

2 mins  |
April 22 & 29, 2022 - Double Issue
Earthworms: natural soil monitors
Farmer's Weekly

Earthworms: natural soil monitors

Earthworms are indicators of soil health. Because they feed on decaying matter, analysing the contents of their digestive tracts gives us insight into the soil’s overall condition. And the healthier the soil, the more earthworms there are.

3 mins  |
April 22 & 29, 2022 - Double Issue
Managing your pigs' health
Farmer's Weekly

Managing your pigs' health

Losing just one productive pig can cost you a great deal of money. In this, the third instalment in our series on livestock first aid, Prof Cheryl McCrindle of the University of Pretoria discusses the medications and equipment you should have on your pig farm at all times.

5 mins  |
April 22 & 29, 2022 - Double Issue
Providing high-quality feed for your animals
Farmer's Weekly

Providing high-quality feed for your animals

Good-quality feed is not cheap. Yet farmers should think twice before buying a substandard product and possibly compromising the productivity of their animals, say Dr Naudé Rossouw, director at Rossgro Feeds in Eloff, Mpumalanga, and De Wet Boshoff, executive director at the Animal Feed Manufacturers’ Association.

9 mins  |
April 22 & 29, 2022 - Double Issue
Using AI in agriculture could boost global food security, but we need to anticipate the risks
Farmer's Weekly

Using AI in agriculture could boost global food security, but we need to anticipate the risks

Asaf Tzachor, a research affiliate at the Centre for the Study of Existential Risks at the University of Cambridge in the UK, outlines the findings of a recent paper that looked at the risks involved in the roll-out of advanced and autonomous technologies in agriculture.

4 mins  |
April 22 & 29, 2022 - Double Issue
The trends driving growth in tyre improvement
Farmer's Weekly

The trends driving growth in tyre improvement

Tyres can make or break agricultural production or agro-processing activities. In light of this fact, great research is being conducted on the improvement of tyre efficiency and affordability.

2 mins  |
April 22 & 29, 2022 - Double Issue
The most destructive disease of potatoes
Farmer's Weekly

The most destructive disease of potatoes

Late blight can strike so rapidly and spread so fast that by the time you notice it, the damage has already been done

3 mins  |
April 22 & 29, 2022 - Double Issue
Supply chain disruptions set to constrain global economic growth
Farmer's Weekly

Supply chain disruptions set to constrain global economic growth

Current global supply chain disruptions are weighing heavily on the world’s post-pandemic recovery. Absa AgriBusiness explores this situation, and the effect it is having on South Africa’s agriculture sector.

3 mins  |
April 22 & 29, 2022 - Double Issue