A Map of Political Ideas
Phil Badger draws the boundaries of political thought and explores the territories.
Robert Nozick's Metaverse Machine
Lorenzo Buscicchi asks, would you plug into Mark Zuckerberg’s virtual world? He finds that the question has been considered by philosophers for decades.
Cultural Colonialism & Aesthetic Injustice
Gustavo Dalaqua on decolonizing minds.
Duane Rousselle
Duane Rousselle is a Canadian professor of sociological theory, author, and a practicing psychoanalyst. He reports to Julie Reshe on recent mutations in postmodern ideology.
The Golden State Killer & Deleuze's ‘Dividual'
Angela Dennis computes the use and abuse of digital data.
Spinoza & the Troubles of the Heart
Dan Taylor shows that even great philosophers can have their hearts broken.
The Unlovable Parts of a Loving Society
Matei Tanasă asks if we should love the unlovable.
The Philosophy of Romantic Love
Peter Keeble says philosophy, like love, is a many-splendoured thing.
Men of Steel Superman vs Übermensch
Roy Schwartz examines whether the world’s first superhero really was inspired by Nietzsche’s ‘superior man’, and what the Nazis have to do with it.
Smooching by the Seine
Seán Moran reports from the city of love.
Harmony & Cancellation Culture
Erica Stonestreet asks, are we too quick these days to break off relationships?
Iris Murdoch & The Mystery of Love
Stephen Leach looks with Murdoch at the three graces of love, art, and morality.
David Chalmers
David Chalmers leaves behind the hard problem of consciousness for an adventure tour of computer-simulated worlds and virtual reality. Paul Doolan interviews him about his new book, Reality+: virtual worlds and the problems of philosophy.
Demons of the Self
Tristen Taylor finds problems in meaningfully defining ‘evil’.
C.L.R. James (1901-1989)
David Austin on the life in writing of a philosopher of the dispossessed, and cricket.
What Is Guilt?
Farah Abdessamad wonders if it is a function of responsibility.
The Happy State
Dan Corjescu says soma could be coming.
Dylan Skurka on a film that suggests it’s possible to choose to overcome your upbringing.
What Is Happiness?
Gary Cox asks, ‘is happiness a cigar called Hamlet?’, and other searching questions.
The Philosopher with a Thousand Faces
Alex Gooch on narrative, meaning, and the failure of philosophy.
Samuel Grove
Samuel Grove recently published Retrieving Darwin’s Revolutionary Idea: The Reluctant Radical. In commemoration of the 150th Anniversary of The Descent of Man (1871), Roberto Navarrete sat down with him to discuss the philosophical dilemmas Darwin faced in applying his theory of natural selection to human beings.
Looking for the Purpose of Life
Brian King says that life’s meaning is a question of purpose; but what is the purpose of human existence?
Huygens A Scientist Among the Philosophers
Hugh Aldersey-Williams traces the philosophical connections of a polymath.
Exploring Time
Nurana Rajabova looks for a way of seeing time as if from the outside.
Classics : A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
“Moralists have unanimously agreed, that unless virtue be nursed by liberty, it will never attain due strength and what they say of man I extend to mankind, insisting, that in all cases morals must be fixed on immutable principles; and that the being cannot be termed rational or virtuous, who obeys any authority but that of reason.” – Mary Wollstonecraft
The Philosophy Of Japanese Gardens
Sailee Khurjekar says that size matters when it comes to horticulture.
So You Think There are Laws in Nature?
Eleni Angelou eavesdrops on a conversation between a Believer and a Sceptic.
Coronavirus, Correlation & Causation
Martin Jenkins uses the virus to test our knowledge of causation.
Buddhist Metaphysics
Brian Morris describes four varieties of Buddhist metaphysics, and questions whether they can form one coherent system of thought.
Cogitating in Cambridge
Sean Moran takes a punt on reality