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Rishimukh Malayalam- All Issues

Dedicated to Ancient Wisdom, Universal Love and Human Values Rishimukh, the monthly magazine of The Art of Living foundation, is a spiritual publication, dedicated to holistic living and spreading Ancient wisdom, Universal love and care for Human values. Started in 1987 the magazine has come a long way from being a newsletter of the Art of Living to a full fledged Spiritual Lifestyle Magazine. Rishimukh is full of easy to read articles on a wide variety of spiritual themes. Every month, the issue contains talks by His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, on various topics that give the reader simple solutions to life and how to find peace and happiness from within. The magazine also features practical articles on yoga and ayurvedic techniques that can be incorporated in daily life. There are also genuine stories of inspiration from those who have faced and came through adversity to live happier and more fulfilling lives. News about the organisation, traditions and spirituality, a children’s corner, your questions answered, ancient knowledge and sacred texts are explained in the magazine. Details of upcoming courses and events are also listed in every issue.

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