
The World's Best-Known Hummingbird?
Intensively studied, the gem-like Anna’s hummingbird is a welcome visitor to the gardens of America’s most populous state: California. Bill Naylor investigates its life history

The charm of the English Cinnamon
Despite its long and complicated history, the true Cinnamon canary is still with us – in the hands of a tiny group of breeders. DONALD SKINNER-REID reckons it deserves wider appreciation

Spangles: a personal overview
FRED WRIGHT relates a budgie story of over-exploitation, consequent problems and abundant potential for the future

New converts to old breeds
Old and rare canaries have a reputation for adding fresh interest and challenge to the hobby. PETE HOOK and NICK JOY agree, and explain the birds’ charm to Dave Brown

Themed aviaries are a hit with the public at annual Stafford show
DECORATIVE AVIARY DISPLAYS from a CBS and an online bird keeping advice group were voted in the top three by visitors for the inaugural Stafford Aviary Competition.

Pieds with potential
More than just a lesser variety, the dominant pied will introduce challenge and change into most studs, reckons CLIVE WAKEMAN. Here he discusses pairings to try and others to avoid

Club News
Welcome to the club and show pages – the bit that’s all about you Results: convention, specialist & rare and Breeder of the Year

Canaries Month by Month:
With Christmas around the corner, BRIAN KEENAN is well into his winter programme, and reckons he might deserve a nice outcross

Smart Choice, Docile Nature
Dave Brown welcomes the masked grassfinch to his birdroom and shares advice on this lovely Australian species

The truth about the ‘flying toad'
Odd local names and weird superstitions can’t hide the beauty and elegance of the nightjar, a species that has made a fascinating subject in a few zoo collections, reveals BILL NAYLOR

The talent behind Pilsen Zoo
Rosemary Low meets the supremely gifted TOMÁS PES, the extraordinary leading spirit at one of Europe’s foremost zoos

The Lütolf stud: an introduction
In the first of a series of articles, Fred Wright describes the birds currently being bred by Swiss maestro DANIEL LÜTOLF

Star of the West
Eminent German softbill specialist THOMAS WENDT outlines his breeding techniques for a beautiful species of bluebird

Showing the mighty Lancs
PAUL WOODWARD shares advice with Dave Brown on successfully breeding and exhibiting Lancashires, one of our most celebrated old canary varieties. Continues from last week

A jaunty bird…
Ethiopia’s Yellow-fronted parrot is getting renewed conservation aid, despite alarming social upheavals, reports DAVID WAUGH

The Return Of The Kite
Red is for ‘go’: GRAHAM WELLSTEAD celebrates one of the century’s most successful conservation stories in this country

Seeds And Pictures
Not showing this year, TONY EDWARDS re-examines his dietary regime and creates a calendar for his bird club!

Prague's New Parrot House
On a midsummer visit to Prague, ROSEMARY LOW simply had to call in at the famous zoo, where she enjoyed a preview tour of the benchmark-setting new parrot pavilion

King Of The Coppies
Prize-winning Lancashire canary breeder PAUL WOODWARD may have come to canaries late, but he’d been breeding other birds successfully since childhood. Dave Brown hears his story

Into The Show Season
It’s competition time for MARK JONES as he pits his stock against the best on the bench – not omitting to celebrate some pleasing recoveries and amend some memories that had played tricks!

Green Magpies: A Pleasure And A Duty
GARY BRALSFORD discusses two of the superb species of the genus Cissa, with practical advice on keeping the commoner one, and a conservation overview of the rarer bird

Cream Legbar, A Rare Delight
CHRIS GRAHAM introduces a rare British chicken with a friendly disposition – but warns us to beware of imitations

You can't just specialise
DAVE BROWN recalls his progress through the show ranks and realises how important it still is to support CBS events

Why recessives have regressed
Mistaken judging priorities have led the recessive pied far astray in recent years, reckons FRED WRIGHT – and GEOFF CAPES has reached the same conclusion about the variety

Man's best friend?
No wild bird species has stuck so loyally to Homo sapiens as the house sparrow. BILL NAYLOR examines the nature of the link and the causes of the recent rupture, as sparrows have declined

Long life to the Kilit!
A lovely though inconspicuous parrot species is finally receiving the conservation focus it badly needs, reports DAVID WAUGH

In search of the song factor
Continuing from two weeks ago, MIKE NICHOLLS updates us on the results and possibilities generated by his crossbreeding project – particularly in its vocal aspect

Food for the mind
Dot summarises some of her recent reading in the ever-expanding field of parrot study

Falling in love with Yorkshires all over again
ROBIN HURWORTH’s return to breeding Yorkshire canaries has been well worth the wait for both Robin and the fancy, writes Steve Dominey

Birdkeeping Or Bird Farming?
Looking after our birds is much like a farmer tending to their livestock, writes not so old (Mac)Donald Skinner-reid