
When It All Comes Good
After Explaining How To Get The Best Out Of Your Autumn Fishing Last Month, Adam Penning Proves His Tactics Worth Landing Some Incredible Carp To Over 521b

The German Rig
After getting into the mind of Claudia Darga and understanding why she loves fishing and what floats her boat, we turn attentions to her rig box!

In The Zone
ADAM PENNING describes how focusing your attention on one spot can result in multiple bites.

Hitman Junction 12 Carp Lake
We head to Reading where we have the honour of fishing a lake that is reserved solely for exclusive bookings, and really is a slice of carp fishing heaven!

A Month In Carp Fishing
Struggling to get on the bank, dan murrell has had a productive time out on the road.

Return To The Quarry
DARRELL PECK takes us back to one of his favourite haunts, but how does the big-carp whizz get on?

Back To The Future
We join carp angling royalty LEE JACKSON on the banks of a special Kent venue that he first visited some 30 years ago and has rekindled his love for carp fishing.

Have Your Best Autumn Ever
MYLES GIBSON explain show he approaches the lead-up to autumn, a great time of year for catching big carp…

A Month In Carp Fishing
Dan Murrell recounts a recent session where everything went wrong from the word go. Nevertheless, sticking to his guns and focusing on the job in hand, he soon changed events.

Big-pit Dreams
Tom Maker steps out of his comfort zone and takes on a huge 114 - acre day - ticket water.

Another Month In Carp Fishing
With shooting features and attending several open days, it’s been another packed month for Richard Shenton.

The Plan
Having joined a new water earlier in the season , we join BEX NELSON to see how she has planned out her carping.

As thsi is the last instalment in 2017, Dan Murrell took Ian 'THE HITMAN' RUSSELL to a luxurious venue in the Cotswolds-Cherry Lakes-to see what he could do in 24 hours on the popular UK holiday destination!
Win Avid Carp Terminal Tackle Range
Fill up your tackle box with the latest items in the Avid Carp Outline terminal tackle range.

Big-Pit Dreams
We catch up with dedicated big-carp angler Jim Wilson at one of his all-time favourite venues. This big pit spans in excess of 100 acres with very few carp lurking beneath the crystal-clear depths.

Clear - Water Carping
Darrell Peck offers his thoughts for targeting a venue with clear water. Does it make it harder or easier? We want to find out .

Winter Wonder
Consistent big - fish angler Jim Wilson looks to smaller , higher - stocked venues for a bite in winter . We scrutinise his approach , which he fines down to keep the bobbins moving.

Meeting My Obsession
Rich Wilby reveals how he finally came to bank the carp of his dreams , the wood common from the mysterious spitfire pool.

Boilies, But Better!
Nor folk - based big - fish angler HARRY WAYEBARKER takes a closer look at the boilie, a fairly simple bait but one that with thought and consideration can be used to great effect.

Boosted Baits
Dave Magalhaes reveals his top tips for boosting his hook baits and freebies to maximise his chances on short sessions …