
Panchakroshi Parikrama of Varanasi
At the snow-capped Kailas, the Divine Lord Shiva was seated with Mother Parvati.

Gadai and the Monks
A fictional narrative based on incidents from the childhood of Sri Ramakrishna.

Chintayo momo maanosho Hori...
Sri Ramakrishna loved songs. There probably was no normal day when he did not sing some songs.

The Vedanta Vaccine
The world is still struggling under the impact of the pandemic due to Covid-19 for the last three years.

Chandrakirti's Chariot: Self in Madhyamaka Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta
The goal in Advaita Vedanta is the cessation of suffering and the attainment of true fulfillment. Suffering, according to this school, is due to ignorance of the true nature of the self and consequent erroneous identification with the body-mind.

Reminiscences of Sargachhi
Question: यद्यदाचरतत श्रेष्ठसतत्तदरेवरेतरो जनिः। ‘Whatever a superior person does, others do the same thing!’ (Gita 3:21) – What does this statement mean?

A fictional narrative based on incidents from the childhood of Sri Ramakrishna.

Bards of Guruvayur: Vilwamangalam II
Saints of India

In the Universal Mother’s Divine Playground
Swami Vivekananda never taught the worship of Mother Kali. In a letter to Mary Hale he writes, “Kali worship is not a necessary step in any religion.

Swami Vivekananda: A Sportsman Par Excellence
In various books and articles, Swami Vivekananda has been called a spiritual leader, a prophet, a patriot, a social reformer, a philosopher, a yogi, a writer, an orator, an educationist, a musician, and so on.

Swami Vivekananda’s French Interview: A New Discovery
We are happy to present what, to the best of our knowledge, is a hitherto unknown interview given by Swami Vivekananda in French language to a newspaper in France. Interestingly the interview was published on 11 September 1900, exactly seven years after Swamiji burst upon the world from the platform of the Parliament of Religions in Chicago. Swami Surarchitananda discovered this interview during an online archive search and Ms. Irina Croitor has translated it into English.

'Pandit Ji Maharaj' Par Excellence: Swami Vipulananda
In 1933, the Annamalai University of Chidambaram in Tamil Nadu was bustling with activity in connection with the imminent visit by the British Governor, George Fredrick Stanley of Madras Presidency. He was to chair the Convocation at the University.

Reminiscences of Sargachhi
All the doctors, teachers, engineers you see, are doing social service. Our education system teaches 'service to the society'- this is the objective side of man.

Mon Ekbaar Hori Bolo... Songs dear to Sri Ramakrishna
Sri Ramakrishna loved songs. There probably was no normal day when he did not sing some songs. His conversations with devotees were interspersed with songs that drove home the point of discussion and intensified the spiritual mood of the gathering. Sri Ramakrishner Priyo Sangeet is a collection of songs that were sung by Sri Ramakrishna or sung in his presence by others. In this section we serialise these songs giving the English and Devanagari transliteration of the Bengali song, along with its English translation.

The Order on the March News & Notes from Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission
Srimat Swami Gautamanandaji, one of the Vice presidents of the Ramakrishna Sangha, inaugurated a hall named 'Gadadhar Mandap' at Kanpur ashrama on 8 July.

A fictional narrative based on incidents from the childhood of Sri Ramakrishna.

Freedom vs Technology
Ethics, principles and values that guide ordinary people to do extraordinary work in eternal India

Vivekananda Way
On his arrival in Calcutta, Swami Vivekananda was greeted with intense enthusiasm, and his progress through the decorated streets of the city was thronged with an immense crowd waiting to have a sight of him. He was given a grand Address of Welcome.

Tale of Two Realities An understanding of life through the Ramayana and Yogasutra A Voyage of Self-Discover
This is the story of Ratnakara who transformed into Valmiki. The narrative draws upon the popular version of Valmiki's story.

Seven Steps on the Path and other Heart to Heart Talks

Tale of Two Realities An understanding of life through the Ramayana and Yogasutra
Beginning with this issue we are serialising Tale of Two Realities which we hope will help readers gain a deeper understanding of life. Our readers are familiar with the author through her The Vedas and Poorva: Magic, Miracles & the Mystical Twelve which were serialised earlier. The illustrations for this series is by Smt Uma Krishnaswami, a well-known artist. The author's note below gives a brief introduction to the series.

The Order on the March
News & Notes from Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission

The Compassionate Bank: When Farmers Build Values for Finance Management
“Ηow do you speak Hindi so well? I thought I was in a state where people only spoke Tamil?!", said a journalist from Uttar Pradesh who was on a visit to Tamil Nadu for the first time. We had met at a conference on creating an alternative economy, in Madurai. So, when I told him that not far away from where we sat, was a village where it was common to find people speaking Mandarin, Malay, and Hindi apart from Tamil, he obviously found it unbelievable.

A fictional narrative based on incidents from the childhood of Sri Ramakrishna.

Sri Ramakrishna and the Freedom Movement - SWAMI VEDANISHTHANANDA
75th Anniversary of India's Independence The year 2022 is significant for India as it celebrates 75 years of attaining independence from the colonial domination. It was after a long struggle that we could free our motherland from foreign rule and make this "tryst with destiny".

Bards of Guruvayur: Manavedan Raja
It is around ten at night. The final Athazha Puja and seeveli procession at the Guruvayur temple are all over. The large crowd of devotees who milled around everywhere inside the temple all day, chanting, praying, performing circumambulations or sitting around simply enjoying the ambience, have all left.

Namo Brahmane...
Introduction This is the Shanti Mantra in the second chapter of the Taittiriya Aranyaka. It is also found in the body of the same chapter (Reference 2.12, 13). It is to be noted that this mantra is used as part of the practice of Brahma Yajna. Brahma Yajna is a daily Vedic practice that involves studying at least a small portion of the Vedas every day. This is done to protect the Vedic tradition by making sure the mantras learnt are not forgotten. Recalling the mantras daily amounts to repaying our debt to the Rishis who have bequeathed us this great body of wisdom. According to Acharya Sayana, this mantra, chanted towards the end of Brahma Yajna, is called the Paridhaniya Rk. Paridhana, according to Acharya Sayana, refers to the closing mantra. The mantras that were chanted as part of Brahma Yajna is believed to be made complete by invoking and saluting the seven divinities mentioned in this mantra.

Swami Ramakrishnananda and the Tradition of Worship
Devotee and researcher

Ramakrishna Mission: Its Idea, Ideal and Practice
General Secretary of the Ramakrishna Math and the Ramakrishna Mission and functions

Lessons on Ethics from the Roadside Vendors
Ethics, principles and values that guide ordinary people to do extraordinary work in eternal India