Making Short Work Of Specimen Chub
It takes angling guide Kenny Parsons a few hours to drive from his home, near Bath, to his favourite Wessex rivers, but it doesn’t seem to bother him, as he just loves to catch big chub on feeder and fl oat tactics, his personal best standing at 7 lb 12 oz. One of his favourite methods for this cunning species is a maggot feeder with a short hook link.

Venues on the menu
Dave regularly switches between different types of venue, as he is convinced that it helps him become a better and far more versatile angler. Here is his guide on what to expect and how to tackle them.

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail”
In our new mini series, the physiotherapist will put you in the right frame of mind to help you achieve your angling dreams.
Search for a super stripy
They’ve done it! Robbie Northman and John Bailey have been on a long mission to catch a 4 lb perch. Robbie got there first, landing this specimen recently.
Pole position carping
The thinking carp angler offers his opinion, insight and advice every week exclusively here in Angler’s Mail. Col will help you become a wiser angler.

My best catch!
This week: Billy puts his newborn daughter on the scales after a productive winter carp session.

Huge zed after run of disasters
19 lb 4 oz monster zanderRiver boat fishing sessionSeries of calamities

Christmas stocking
The future of fishery management is a bright one, these BTEC Fish Husbandry students keen to help stock an Essex lake with carp over the Christmas holiday, including this 21 lb mirror.

Alien aquatic plants
In this final part of my special look at alien species, I have highlighted some invasive aquatic plants that have had an impact on waters, with an evaluation on the degree of threat that they pose, on a scale of one to ten, one being the lowest.
A guide's guide to guides
Canadian Jeff is a great guide, helping anglers to catch the fish of their dreams.

Wicked Wafters
The thinking carp angler offers his opinion, insight and advice every week exclusively here in Angler’s Mail. Col will help you become a wiser angler.

Cool Runnings
Britain’s leading all-round angler loves taking on challenges at all kinds of venues. Read his triumphs and disasters, warts ‘n’ all, exclusively in AM.

The Forgotten Stickleback
The natural history photographer has filmed all 53 UK freshwater fish species, and this week he reveals how he captured a mini predator.

Deadly Deadbaits
The fishery scientist is passionate about predators, having caught pike to 34 lb 8 oz, perch to 5 lb 1 oz, zander to 18 lb 8 oz and eels to 7 lb 2 oz.

An Addiction To River Pike
South Coast taxi driver Nathan Edgell is addicted to pike fishing at this time of year, especially when it comes to targeting wild river predators that have slipped under the radar. Preferring to fish short sessions, the Fladen-sponsored piker has developed a tactic that has helped him to bank more fish. Here’s how.

Catch A Big River Roach
You’ll always learn loads and be inspired by this vastly experienced traditional angler, who also relishes exploring the latest coarse techniques… with help from his friends.

Blankety Blank
Long-time pals Billy Flowers and Jamie Londors are two of the World’s most consistent carp catchers. The two England Carp Team members share their sessions and insight in Angler’s Mail.

Practice Makes Purrfect
The natural history photographer has filmed all 53 UK freshwater fish species, and this week recounts the time when he went in search of catfish.

Mobile Approach For PB Chub And Bonus Barbel
Otter predation on the Great Ouse has led to Predator Action Group chairman Tony Gibson altering his winter barbel approach to a chub tactic that also picks up a few ‘whiskers’.

Jack Of Hall Trades
The ace angling coach is here in the Mail for an exclusive series revealing his on-the-bank lessons and views on modern fishing.

Identifying Individuals
Britain’s best-known pike angler, angling historian and carp fishery boss reveals all in this fortnightly column.

Get A Winter Edge
This week: Jamie explains his cutting-edge approach for cold-water carp to help you catch more fish this winter.

Floody Great Big Barbel
Britain’s leading all-round angler loves taking on challenges at all kinds of venues. Read his triumphs and disasters, warts ‘n’ all, exclusively in AM.

December 5th Is D-Day For Us All

Dealing With Lost Hooks
The well-travelled freshwater biologist and top angler brings you his fascinating weekly insight into the secret lives of fish.

All-Time Epic Catches
Our classic fishing series moves back in time, and this week we bring you a special look at…

All In A Twist
The thinking carp angler offers his opinion, insight and advice every week exclusively here in Angler’s Mail. Col will help you become a wiser angler.

Crowing Over Carp
Widely respected specimen carp angler and author Simon Crow has caught carp from over 400 different waters in seven countries. With an overseas personal best of 86 lb 8 oz and a UK PB of 56 lb 12 oz, the Avid Carp and DNA Baits angling consultant shows no signs of slowing down, always seeking to catch quality carp. Here’s an insight into how he goes about catching the big ’uns while still making the time for other passions in his life.

Sorting Out Silvers
This week’s Angler’s Mail match fishing columnist Darren Cox celebrates winter’s arrival with his sights fixed firmly on roach and bream.

Mesmerised By Mullet Murmuration
The natural history photographer has fi lmed all 53 UK freshwater fi sh species, and this week he looks at mullet and sea trout.