fishing hunting

Thermal spectrum
Paul Austin explores both ends of the thermal market with latest high-end release from Zeiss alongside a surprising entry-level offering from Xinfrared

Roe, rucks and new ground
Jon Snowdon and his team have much to keep them busy and a new tool to help them

Tales from a lifetime of foxing
Join Mike Powell as he explores the evolving world of fox shooting, drawing from a career that spans seven decades

Fox rot about Charlie
Patrick Hook responds to claims that fox numbers are dangerously on the wane

The sniff of success
Join Ryan Kay as he navigates the fascinating dynamic between a handler and their canine companion

Adventures of Nick & Ted
A new chapter in the histories of Sporting Gun and Sporting Shooter has Nick Ridley reflecting on the dogs he has trained over the years he has been associated with the magazines

The problem: Inflammation in the nervous system
Vet's advice

Gundogs Q&A
No problem goes unsolved as Sporting Gun puts your questions to the gundog experts

Fran Ardley continues her training tips on disciplining your dog to the stop whistle and the exercises you need to do

Gundogs at the Game Fair
Organising the Game Fair's prestigious gundog competitions: behind-the-scenes with Francesca Prentice

Let the fun begin
Rupert Butler on the start of his and his companions shooting year and the good times to look forward to

Core principles
Ethan Lowry takes a muscular approach to shooting with a look at the importance of building core strength

Safety first
The importance of personal protective equipment cannot be understated, so Jasper Fellows breaks down some of the basics

The variety show
Jasper Fellows heads to Devon to visit the revitalised Ashcombe Shooting Ground and the many attractions it offers

Easy does it
In the first of two articles, Marc Bull of Bright Seeds gives his blueprint for achieving the right balance between game and stewardship cropping

Field battery
Peter Theobald gears up for his favourite time of the year to engage with his old adversary

Spring lean!
Geoff Garrod continues to by mystified by the lack of pigeons on his patch this year but is optimistic of better days ahead

Top tips for pigeons
Andy Crow shares some details about his shooting background and gives essential advice for controlling pigeons on your patch

Nought to crow about
Tom Sykes chases corvids on a Highland estate and reflects on how it differs from his standard hunting techniques

Much work and little play
The tasks mount up for Tony Bracci and his helpers as the first season of their shoot approaches, but things are starting to come together

Train of thought
Malcolm Plant asks what use is a coach to both clay and game shooters?

Tradition & technology
Jasper Fellows visits the cinema to discover the history and targets offered at Holland & Holland’s Shooting Ground

Asian hornet - Vespa velutina
Charles Smith-Jones says we should be on our guard for this large member of the wasp family that has settled in many parts of Europe and poses a serious threat to pollinators

One year in
Tony Bracci finds things to carp about and enjoy as the many elements of his shoot in its first year take shape

Hides and seek
Peter Theobald reflects on how decoying has evolved over the years, as well as his approach, the equipment at his disposal and the behaviour of the birds

Highland life
A year on from moving to north-west Scotland, Tom Sykes reflects and how he and his wife Charlie have taken to their new existence

Eat your way to success
Jasper Fellows talks to nutrition expert David Dunne and discusses how your diet can improve your shooting, especially on competition days

Black Lab explains the legal and ethical responsibilities of shotgun users when it comes to falling shot

Stop right there
Fran Ardley instructs you on how to get your dog acclimatised to the stop whistle, a crucial part of its hunting and retrieving development

Electric collars: punishment or positive reinforcement?
Nick Ridley delves into the controversial use of electronic training collars in gundog training