Staying as lam’
Life Positive|February 2023
Pradeep Krishnan has an tnteresting and enlightening conversation with Shr Rajiv Kapoor, a master who 1s carrying forward the legacy of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi
Staying as lam’

Reading some of the articles and listening to several talks on the internet of Shri Rajiv Kapoor, a businessman turned enlightened master, prompted me to contact him in Hyderabad, where he lives with his wife, Smt Anita Kapur, and two children, Akansha Kapur and Aniruddha Kapur. Though lovingly addressed as Guruji by his students, he doesn't like to be called a jnani, yogi, or guru. He prefers to be recognised as only a fellow sadhaka (seeker), divine friend, or simply as Rajivji or Rajiv.

The 50-year-old master regularly conducts live and online satsangs (spiritual gatherings) and retreats, writes articles and books, and grants private sessions to seekers all over India and abroad.

When contacted, Rajivji at once consented to an online interview. The presence of an enlightened master and his humble manners and joyful face lifted my mood.

Sir, please describe your mystic journey.

Let me first acknowledge with deep reverence, all the great masters, my gurus, and specifically Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, all of whom have blessed me with abundant love, so that I am able to bring forth the teachings to those who are interested. With a deep sense of humility, I bow to each one of them.

As a schoolboy, at the age of 12 or 13, I used to sit with my eyes closed in my room, pondering what lay within this dark space inside my head.

I had noticed that thoughts and stories appear and disappear from this inner space, but I wasn't convinced that thoughts, images, and ideas were the only thing this darkness held within itself. So, I used to sit for hours on end, pondering over what lay beyond this darkness.

Diese Geschichte stammt aus der February 2023-Ausgabe von Life Positive.

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Diese Geschichte stammt aus der February 2023-Ausgabe von Life Positive.

Starten Sie Ihre 7-tägige kostenlose Testversion von Magzter GOLD, um auf Tausende kuratierte Premium-Storys sowie über 8.000 Zeitschriften und Zeitungen zuzugreifen.

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