Forward thinkers
An absorbing chronicle of four singular female philosophers whose ideas, shaped by war, continue to resonate today.
Electric vehicles (EVs) are the future of driving, and with the world’s best car brands releasing a range of models, there’s no better time to make the switch and raise your street cred.
Chain of events
How a decision to ride a mountain-bike track in bad weather changed everything.
All to play for
The All Blacks made a statement against Italy, but with the tournament at the halfway mark, the reputations of the team and their outgoing coach remain ‘work ons’.
Hanging on the telephone
Customer satisfaction is plummeting as businesses struggling to shake off the pandemic search for an Al answer.
A political role model
Work-life balance is W important, and it's crucial to seek light relief. When my children were young, I liked nothing better than to turn them out to play while I curled up with a giant book about the Nazis.
The American scream
The seams is that no one knows exactly what it will look he problem with living in a country whose democracy is in danger of coming apart at the like when and if the seams finally burst, or how toxic the sociopolitical stuffing that emerges will be.
Wild, wild life
No New Zealander leaves the country for any length of time without knowing they'll N miss their soaps.
Campaigns to die for
Because we're on sale on election day, rules prevent us covering Campaign 2023, so we look forward to the final week of Campaign 2026...
Broadband as a human right
About 130,000 households still don't have internet access. That needs to change.
Balancing act
Standing on one leg gets harder as we age, but it’s an important marker of brain health.
Use your noodle
Health star ratings are a welcome addition to food labels but they are only useful when you compare like with like.
Across the choral sea
Young Australian and NZ singers take centre stage.
Calm after the storm
Mitski's barking latest and an Icelandic jazz ingenue.
Blackbeard goes forth, for love
HBO pirate comedy takes on extra Kiwi crew.
Small wonders
Wes Anderson's fascination with Roald Dahl's tales continues with four short films.
Following her own muse
Kristin Hersh returns with a vital new solo album as her writing career wins her new fans.
Taking their hats off to Leon
The late rock piano pioneer is saluted in a book and album with a Kiwi connection.
Skin in the game
The Springbok tour protests, Foreskin's Lament, Dunedin and the star of Hunt for the Wilderpeople collide in a new local feature film.
In times of trouble
Three novels of magic, dark dystopia and espionage have women struggling for better lives.
Huns and guns
Horse-backed archers from central Asia left a lasting imprint on world history.
Fight for life
A resourceful young woman flees a dying American colony only to battle for survival in a terrifying wilderness.
All the right moves
More and more New Zealanders are discovering the joys - and health benefits - of social Latin dancing.
Fool's paradise
New Zealanders may be leaving for Australia in droves, but they'll be back.
Rush-hour ranting
Stationary traffic can do strange things to motorists, especially when traffic light phasing continues relentlessly and no cars can move.
Getting what we ask for
Market research, rather than principle, is driving the pledges of our mainstream parties - and voters may be tiring of it.
Booze cruisers
\"Normalising\" drinking at home isn't changing teenagers' binge-drinking culture, say health campaigners calling for price hikes and advertising clampdowns.
Soap on the ropes
As the health spotlight falls on the skin microbiome, some experts claim our obsession with cleanliness is harming us and the planet.
Moaners on the money
Unlike most pathological pessimists, Winnie-the-Pooh's friend Eeyore was endearing in his gloom, but it's beginning to seem as though the depressive donkey's philosophy is the most adaptive to cultivate these days.
A taxing listen
We will never know what W a member of the public to begin asking questions of the Inland Revenue Department earlier this year.