Heartfulness eMagazine - September 2023

Heartfulness eMagazine Magazine Description:
Publisher: Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation
Category: Religious & Spiritual
Language: English
Frequency: Monthly
Welcome to Heartfulness eMagazine, a monthly magazine in which we explore everything from self-development and health, relationships with family and friends, how to thrive in the workplace, to living in tune with nature. We also bring you inspiration from the lives of people who have made a difference to humanity over the ages. This magazine is brought to you by Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation, a non-profit organization.
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In this issue
International Day of Peace falls on September 21, so this month we celebrate how far we have come, and reflect on how we can keep improving the Peace Quotient of our global human society. Consciousness has shifted, despite all the negativity in the media. We are aware of more and more ways to be peaceful and to radiate peace into our communities. Many of us now send peaceful intentions into the world every day.
We hear from Daaji, Deepak Chopra, the Spirit of Humanity Forum's recent peace retreat in Iceland, Lynn Geddes and Tracie Pape. We tap into Peacefulness with Ranjani Iyer et.al., Ichak Adizes, and Manilal Roopa. We look at sustaining the soul and nurturing the Earth with Liaa Kumar and Laya Iyer, Sravan Banda, Charles Eisenstein, and Babuji. Our artists include Liu Janmin and two students from the Heartfulness Learning Center.
How to Manifest Peace
DAAJI shares some simple practices that allow peace to manifest in daily life. The ripple effect as more of us do this is already building momentum.

2 mins
What We Think
LYNN GEDDES explores the importance of what we think and how our thoughts create our own unique reality. She also shares a way to change that reality by working with intentions and manifestation.

3 mins
This is an invitation from TRACIE PAPE to practice Peacefulness and see what the simple and powerful intentions can create within you and in others.

3 mins
Character Builds Personality
In September 2022, DAAJI released his latest bestseller, The Wisdom Bridge, and throughout 2023 we are sharing highlights from the various chapters to give you a taste of the wisdom the book offers. This month the excerpt is from chapter 14 on Principle 6: Character Builds Personality.

9 mins
ARE WE ASKING The Right Questions?
DEEPAK CHOPRA was interviewed in Kanha Shanti Vanam on July 2, 2023, by EKTA BOUDERLIQUE. After an illustrious career bridging health, science, and spirituality, he tackles the big questions of consciousness, existence, truth, and human evolution, and challenges science to re-assess the questions it is asking.

7 mins
TAP into Peacefulness: Developing Peace Inside Out
DR. RANJANI IYER, SYLVIE BERTI-ROSSI, and SHARAT HEGDE from the Peacefulness Movement explore the need for peace with globalization and increasingly rich diversity across the world.

2 mins
Searching for Peace
DR. ICHAK ADIZES is nostalgic for a time when he could be in tune with the natural world, at peace with himself, and unrushed by modern life.

1 min
The Language of PEACE
JOHANNA VILHJALMSDOTTIR and SYLVIE BERTI ROSSI offer us a glimpse of this year's Spirit of Humanity Forum's retreat in Iceland. They also share insights from some of the participants on the final day.

8 mins
May Peace Be Upon You
MANILAL ROOPA lives in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa. He is retired after a career as an educator and facilitator for over 50 years, and continues to work as a Heartfulness trainer, which he has done for over 30 years. As a “colored” under Apartheid in South Africa, he has been through much and seen a lot of social change during his life, radiating peacefulness and love throughout.

2 mins
True Wealth for One and All
CHARLES EISENSTEIN challenges our reliance on money to cater to all our needs, and asks, \"What is the corollary to such a life?\"

4 mins
Sustaining the Soul, nurturing the Earth
LIAA KUMAR and LAYA IYER explore the relationship between peace and our connection with the natural world.

4 mins
Bridging the Gap: Biophilia as a Path to a Sustainable Lifestyle
SRAVAN BANDA is an architect with a strong awareness of Nature and its role in building. He shares some basic principles of biophilic design.

4 mins
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