
What Do We Owe Our Children?
Kids who think the farm will fund their retirement may be disappointed.

Off to a Good Start
Dairy calf and heifer experts give insights to their roles, and how they help farmers raise healthy heifer calves.

Protect Stored Grain
Grain bin monitoring can help ensure the quality of your crop.

When Do You Feed Your Crops?
Adjust fertilizer applications for better nutrient uptake.

Great Plains Narrow-Transport Tillage Tools
The new models retain the same features of their full-size counterparts, with a narrow, 12-foot transport width.

Planting Season Tire Inspection
Check those tires before it's too late.

Autonomy 2.0
John Deere reveals its next-generation autonomous system for tractors.

Clean Fields for Greater Yields
How to maximize benefits of spring burndown applications.

Another Route
What options might ethanol producers consider to lower carbon intensity if pipelines don't work out?

Midwestern states have made progress in reducing runoff, but increased rainfall has made the task more difficult.

Vertical Tillage Climbs in Popularity
Options are available at a variety of price points, and supply is stable.

Founder Bill Gross Reflects on 20 Years of Farm Rescue
More than 1,100 families facing an injury, illness, or natural disaster have received planting, harvesting, and livestock help at no charge.

Tom Vilsack
What's next after 12 years at the USDA?

Practices of Profitable Producers
Managing the details efficiently leads to profitability.

Tillage Inspection Checklist
Follow these tips to effectively prepare your tillage implements to work their best this spring.

Delivering Water With Precision
Drip irrigation offers the opportunity to conserve water and improve crop health.

Reducing the Risk Around Pesticides
Consider these top safety tios when working around necessary chemicals.

For Ron Brownotter, buffalo are more than just livestock. They're a connection to his ancestors and a way to uplift his family and community.

Has Our Un-Insurability Wrecked Our Plan?
'I've never been a fan of life insurance. I was skeptical when it was for -presented as a way our farming son to buy out our other two kids through our estate.

Unlock Yield Potential of Early-Planted Soybeans
Sulfur applications can increase nitrogen fixation and nodule formulation.

Larger machines can boost productivity, but consider these factors first.

Preseason Planter Prep
Showing your planter a little love in the offseason can make a big difference at harvest.

A Perfect Match
Hearts may be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Valentine's Day, but for this lowa couple, a kidney was the ultimate gift of love.

A New Era of Pesticide Regulation
What does EPA‘s final Herbicide Strategy mean for farmers?

Diversifying Livestock and Business
This South Dakota ranch's plan for survival includes cattle, sheep, and water distribution along with rangeland management and other income sources.

Great Plains 60-Foot PI5905 Planter
The planter is available in 15-inch spacing with 47 rows, or 30-inch spacing with 24 rows.

Give It Away?
I'm very concerned about estate taxes. We have worked hard for what we have, and we don't just want to give it all away to the government when we die.

Portable Oil Changing Station
Make oil changes on the go with this farmer-built station.

The Future of Fertilizer
How “green” fertilizer is defined will determine which practices and products deliver a premium to farmers.

From Well to Wheels
A look at ethanol's life cycle emissions.