Animals & Pets

These adjustability exercises will help improve your horse's canter for jumping.

Refine your horse's sidepass and prep for any ranch or trail show.

You can make a splash in any discipline with a Paint.

Find out what it takes to become a trick rider.

Understand the causes of abdominal pain in horses and how to recognize the signs.

this ESME
You may know Esme Higgs, 21, by the V name \"This Esme.\"

You're Not a Regular Dog Mom, You're a-Fiscally Responsible-Dog Mom
Hi, "pet debt" is very, very real.

Egyptian Cats in History
Thanks to genetics, science has affirmed the Fertile Crescent as the origin point of domestic cats.

Why Puff Isn't Pregnant
Any reputable shelter will be happy to explain to you what incredibly efficient reproductive machines cats can be, and how quickly a fertile pair can produce enough offspring to constitute a colony.

Better Bath Time
Most pets don't love being washed, but a few tips and tricks can make the scrub-a-dub easier and more fun.

5 Myths About Pet Health
Fuzzy falsehoods about your four-legged friends can prevent you from taking the best care of them. Here's what we know.

Morris the "Glass Bank" Cat
The future had arrived in Cocoa Beach.

Pet Night On Capital Hill
In CFA's 117-year history, there have been a number of memorable marquee events. But there are many fanciers who may not be aware of an annual event which has had a long tenure with CFA's participation: Pet Night on Capitol Hill.

Why Do You Breed?
If you have been breeding for more than, say, a month, you have probably already had someone ask \"How did you get into breeding?\"

Inherited Feline Blood Clotting Disorders: Genetic Testing and Breeder Practices
Most professional breeders of pedigree domestic cats screen their cats for inherited diseases and traits.

Trends in Pet Microchip Laws 2001-2022
A reliable identification system is crucial when a missing pet does not find its way home.

CFA's First Clerking School in India
I was honored to be asked to teach a clerking school for the emerging India cat fancy.

Partnerships Between Breeders & Veterinarians
Relationships are so important. Family. Friends. Professional colleagues. And for a cat breeder, mentors, breeding partners, and that all-important relationship with their veterinarian.

The Value of Partnerships Between Breeders
At a recent show's hospitality night, two were among a small group of exhibitors chatting.

The newly formed Vietnam Cat Club proudly presented the country's first-ever CFA cat show in Ha Noi on December 10, 2022, with the assistance and cooperation of a team of workers from Thailand, South Korea, Malaysia, and Indonesia... making for a truly diverse and multicultural event that captured the full attention of this small southeast Asian country.

What You Don't Know About LaPerms
And She Purrsisted!

Love's in the Air
Six fascinating ways birds showcase their special bonds

Be a Hero to Pollinators
Seven ways to create a paradise for bees, butterflies and more beneficial bugs

Do you serve live or dried mealworms?
Readers share their preference when setting out this classic songbird treat

Readers share dramatic photos of flowers that emerge when the sun goes down

Strike a Pose
Birds model their most dramatic looks for the camera

The Art of Houseplants
10 tips from a designer about styling your indoor green spaces

Ask the Experts
Get started on spring gardening and bird feeding with pro tips

Caption This!
What's going on in this tufted titmouse's head?

Heralds of Spring
Attract mountain bluebirds with nest boxes, mealworms and more