Asian Affairs- All Issues

AsianAffairs has established itself as a magazine that provides an Asian perspective to socio-political developments in Asia, particularly South Asia. Each month, since 1994, the magazine has featured articles written by well-known writers and journalists, covering a variety of issues concerning South Asia and other regions, besides carrying in-depth analysis of developments in different countries. There is little doubt that the magazine aptly serves the purpose of reaching out to opinion leaders and policymakers and projecting a pan-Asian viewpoint. Distributed among opinion-leaders and policymakers, AsianAffairs is an established name in the influential circles of the United Kingdom, the European Union, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and other Asian countries. Parliamentarians, academicians, journalists, and politicians in the above-mentioned countries have regularly been receiving Asian Affairs for more than two decades now. Our esteemed readers have had a high opinion about the quality of articles and reports published by the magazine over the last 30 years or so. Particularly in the first two decades of the New Millennium, the global communication and knowledge revolutions brought about significant changes in all aspects of human life. Keeping abreast of the latest developments, our endeavour is to provide an unbiased, balanced, and objective coverage of happenings across Asia and the world. Specifically speaking, however, our editorial policy is guided by the dictum: Look at Asia from Asia’s standpoint.