Trobos Livestock - October 2022Add to Favorites

Trobos Livestock - October 2022Add to Favorites

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En este asunto

Seiring berjalannya waktu, jumlah peternak rakyat mandiri kian tergerus. Penyebabnya, problem klasik yang terus berulang belum mampu terselesaikan hingga kini. Persoalan seperti harga ayam hidup (LB/live bird) di bawah harga pokok produksi (HPP) akibat meroketnya harga pakan dan DOC (ayam umur sehari).
Terlebih, terjadi kelebihan pasokan LB yang tidak sesuai dengan permintaan pasar disinyalir merupakan permasalahan yang kerap menghantui peternak rakyat mandiri.

Trobos Livestock Magazine Description:

EditorTrobos Magazines




TROBOS Livestock and TROBOS Aqua magazines are media that provide various information related to agribusiness of farm and fishery. This national media emerged as a breakthrough among the press of agribusiness that has been impressed only in the world of crop crops, horticulture, and plantations. The birth of TROBOS Animal Husbandry and Aqua TROBOS is essentially a concrete manifestation and a clear and strong commitment to the development of livestock and aquaculture agribusiness. It is clearly visible on the vision and mission.