Stepping up their game, Infinix recently launched in India the Hot 10S smartphone, which is a massive upgrade from its precursors in the Hot series. It comes packed with an array of top-notch features, superior gaming technology, powerful processor, latest OS, massive battery and sharp cameras. The handset comes in four colour options – Heart of Ocean, Morandi Green, 7-Degree Purple and 95-Degree Black, and is competitively priced at Rs 9,999 for the 4GB RAM+64GB ROM model and Rs 10,999 for the 6GB RAM+64GB ROM variant. The smartphone is pitted against Xiaomi’s Redmi Note 10, Realme’s Narzo 30A and Motorola’s Moto G30 and G10 Power. But does it have the element to take on these biggies that have a stronghold in the market which Infinix is trying to capture? Let’s find out in this review.
We had the Morandi Green colour with 4GB of RAM and 64GB of storage. The phone is not that showy, although it looks decent and pleasing to the eyes. However, akin to the company’s existing line-up, the Infinix Hot 10S is a bit large and definitely not good for one-hand operation. The phone is made of polycarbonates and has a pattern on the back with a textured finish, which offers a solid grip on the phone, even with slightly greasy or wet hands. It looks really good and doesn’t retain smudges and fingerprints.
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