Internet Service Plotting
With the buzz increasing over what might be in store for Series Eleven, is it really best, when searching for rumour and counter-rumour to whet your appetite, to do as the Ninth Doctor once told Mickey Smith and simply “just shut up and go to your computer”?
Writer Of The Dead
The Criterion Collection has released a brand-new 4K scan and restoration of George romero’s classic NIGHT oF THE LIVING dEAd. restored by the Museum of Modern Art and The Film Foundation, the zombie film that started it all is now available the way it was meant to be seen, along with a plethora of extras, including a work-print edit of the film entitled NIGHT oF ANUBIs, as well as commentary tracks from the 30th anniversary, interviews, and behind-the-scenes stories. seing as how this marvellous release is now available, and considering the film also celebrates its fiftieth anniversary this year, we spoke with the film’s co-screenwriter JoHN A. rUsso about the restoration and the film’s long, influential history.
Andrew Niccol
Since his début movie GATTACA (1997) warned over the use of advanced eugenics, writer and director Andrew Niccol has continued to question the human and moral implications of advancements in technology with movies including THE TRUMAN SHOW (1999 – as writer), SIMONE (1992) and IN TIME (2011). His latest is ANON, a remarkably timely SF noir thriller about a society where everyone’s point of view experience is recorded and anonymity is a dirty word. Clive Owen - a detective on the verge of a nervous breakdown if ever we’ve seen one - stars as Sal Friedland, on the trail of a mysterious stranger played by Amanda Seyfried who has found a way to opt out of this tyrannical system and use the power of her anonymity in a unique and profitable way…
The Return of Doctor Mysterio
Starburst’s Resident Who-ru Takes a Look at What We Can Expect From This Year’s Seasonal Special...
Cosplay Catwalk
Retro Bytes
The Trekologist
Enter Chikara
Over the last few months in STARBURST, we’ve begun to dip a toe into the world of professional wrestling, particularly where it crosse s over into the genre television we all know and love. Other than a few m entions in issue 445’s piece on graps vampires, however, we’ve yet to scra tch the surface of actual wrestling storylines that wouldn’t look out of place between the opening and end credits of your favourite shows. That time is now.
Brother Red Plays The Game
MANTIC GAMES is a British board and miniatures game company that has produced some amazing games including Star Saga, Dreadball, Warpath and games based on properties such as The Walking Dead and Mars Attacks. Their latest project is to bring Mike Mignola’s HELLBOY comics to the table top with a game based on the big old red monster himself. We caught up with top games designer James M. Hewitt to find out more about this exciting new game.
Amazon Prime
As the DC Extended Universe hopes to change its fortunes, we look at the eagerly anticipated and long-planned cinematic outing for WONDER WOMAN...
The Incredible Invisible Plane
WONDER WOMAN’s Invisible Plane can be viewed (ahem) as either the most stupid idea in the world of comic book history or an idea so profound us mere mortals can only marvel at it. Let’s see what we know about it…
Here Come The Girls
The Revenge of The fanTasy females!
Baby talk
Following the huge success of his first two feature films as director – the searing BEFORE DAWN and the brutal BAIT – EMMERDALE star DOMINIC BRUNT is back this year with his third full-length movie. We spoke to Dominic and his wife, actor/coproducer JOANNE MITCHELL, about their latest project – prepare for the coming of the ADULT BABIES…
The Taming Of The GRU
Illumination Entertainment made their name with the DESPICABLE ME franchise and as Gru returns this summer in the third instalment, STARBURST takes a look at what to expect...
Cosplay Catwalk
STARBURST: Tell us about your fascination with Marty McFly and BTTF… Shannon: I wasn’t fortunate enough to grow up with Back to the Future. I wasn’t even alive when the movie came out, I was born in 1990! I was going through a bit of a rough time, and my friends suggested that we all sit down and enjoy a movie together. After flipping through our options, one of my friends suggested Back to the Future. When I replied that I had never seen it, I was rightfully met with looks of horror, disbelief, bewilderment, and shame. And just like that, something clicked. Not a quiet sound, but a prominent echo that resonated in my very soul.
Your Worst Dream Come True
Even if you haven’t seen IT, or read the book by Stephen King, you’ll probably be familiar with its iconic titular villain. The shapeshifting terror who hunts kids, lives in the sewers, and prefers to take the form of Pennywise the Dancing Clown has fascinated readers since the book’s release in 1986. Though the novel was a huge success on release (many regard it as King’s finest), it was Tommy Lee Wallace’s 1990 two-part TV serial that seared IT into the horror canon, guaranteeing clown terror for decades to come...
The Bogeymen Cometh Beyond Psycho
When Norman Bates was introduced to the world in 1960, he took people by surprise.
High Plains Drifter
After Years In Development Hell, Stephen King’S Literary Gunslinger Roland Deschain Finally Makes It To The Big Screen In The Dark Tower. Starburst Goes On A Quest To Uncover A Modern-Day Mythology…
Subspace Relay
All The News From The Worlds Of Star Trek With Iain Robertson.
Enter The War Master!
If you have any interest in the current series of Doctor Who, it won’t have escaped your attention that John Simm has returned as the Master and appeared alongside Michelle Gomez as Missy.
In Space No One Can Hear You Roll
The ALIEN movie franchise has survived for so long due to the way it draws people in. The movies that everyone talks about are the ones that make you feel part of their world, and with Ridley Scott’s classic and its spin-offs, you can practically feel the monsters breathing down your neck. Obviously this is an experience that we’ve tried to emulate many times, and thus there are a great many games and board games that try to emulate the experience. Let’s take a look at a few.
Independents Day
STARBURST catches up with an American allrounder who is making an impact on the low budget movie scene…
Watching Doctor Who
There was a recent, rather clickbaity online article professing to offer up the ‘eleven things that Doctor Who fans need to stop arguing about’.
Sting in the Tail
This month, the nuisance Martin Unsworth slaps on the insect repellent and risks anaphylactic shock to bring you...
Watching Doctor Who
An in-depth Look at the Whoniverse