医疗设备商情Medical Manufacturing & Design for China - May 2021

医疗设备商情Medical Manufacturing & Design for China - May 2021

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In this issue
首度移师深圳国际会展中心(宝安新馆)的CHINAPLAS 2021国际橡塑展于4月13日盛大开幕!可持续和数字化显然是橡塑行业最热门的话题,同时,医疗也成为各大展商着力发展的重点领域,从3D打印到体外诊断,从注塑机到模具,还有各种面向医疗医用的材料,如有机硅、聚碳酸酯、PMMA、聚甲醛……详情请见本期“CHINAPLAS 2021回顾”。
纵观医疗领域,我们可以看到许多独立的应用类型 :髋关节、关节或脊柱植入物、颅骨或牙科用假牙。医疗设备、实验室设备或高科技药物中使用的组件也在这一阵列内。在《增材制造在人类医学领域的现状与展望》一文中,富有代表性的医疗技术领域的专家观点展示了这项技术在当今所具备的能力,并讨论了该技术在诸多领域的应用。
医疗设备商情Medical Manufacturing & Design for China Magazine Description:
Publisher: Ringier Trade Media Ltd
Category: Business
Language: Chinese - Simplified
Frequency: Bi-Monthly
Medical Manufacturing and Design for China is published 6 times (5 prints + 1 E-zine) a year in Chinese by Ringier Trade Media, Ltd. The portfolio also includes e-magazines, a medical products website and App with daily updates and online exclusives, and bi-weekly e-newsletters. With such current, informative and attractive content in both digital and printed forms, Medical Manufacturing and Design for China offers the latest industry trends and technology innovations, including medical devices, product development and design, materials, production process, electronics, etc. and regulatory updates.
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