ICT Connect - July 2023

ICT Connect - July 2023

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In this issue
This issue contains articles – Investing using Algo Trading, State research foundations an idea whose time has come, Trends in data sciences & artificial intelligence, three different ways to achieve financial freedom, Raw story from a seasoned leader, Artificial Intelligence in agriculture, Emerging technologies and their impact on the society, critical thinking pushes us to unlearn among other articles.
Indulge in thought-provoking articles about Technology and Life Skills. Get your hands on an electronic copy.
ICT Connect Magazine Description:
Publisher: ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu
Category: Education
Language: English
Frequency: Monthly
ICT Academy a not-for-profit autonomous organization, an Initiative of Government of India, Government of Tamil Nadu and Industry, publishes "ict Connect" magazine – an EduTech monthly publication since 2010.
Welcome to ict Connect, where authors contribute myriad facets of topics. As a monthly EdTech magazine, ict Connect is dedicated to enriching the lives of our diverse readership. Unveiling the extra ordinary in the ordinary, we delve into the realms of the industry, learn technological advancements in ICT, obtain career guidance, skill development, gain exposure to case studies, skill gap analysis, teaching and learning methodologies, and receive information on areas emergent in ICT Industry, and beyond, offering a tapestry of thought – provoking content.
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