Iziar - June 2024

Iziar Magazine Description:
Publisher: IPCS Global Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Category: Technology
Language: English
Frequency: Monthly
As a part of our Corporate Social Responsibility, Team IPCS gave birth to "Iziar", a magazine that reflects technology trends and current trends in the market related to the same. The main goal is to
raise awareness of available technologies and make them accessible wherever you are. It's
about technology, inventions, startups, cyberpunk life & much more. Iziar was developed to
give you insight into the latest innovations and keep you on top of the latest trends. Technology is like air, You can't live without it. So we welcome you to the technological world of Iziar.
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In this issue
In this edition, you can find exciting articles on the following topics:1. DeFi to Smart Contracts: Understanding the Diverse Applications of Blockchain,2. Beyond Chatbots: Expanding the Horizons of Natural Language Processing,3. The Future of Art: Exploring Generative AI's Impact on Creativity, 4. From Diagnosis to Treatment: The Impact of Embedded Systems on Healthcare, 5. Maximizing Energy Efficiency: How Hybrid Power Factor Controllers Work, 6. The Future of Building Management: How Cloud-Based Systems Are Leading the Way, 7. Maximizing Your Reach: Top Strategies for Social Media Marketing, 8. Harnessing Solar Power with a Hybrid Inverter: What You Need to Know, 9. The Rise of AGVs: Transforming Supply Chain Management. , 10. From Campus to Career: Essential Tips for Freshers Entering the Indian Job Market, 11. Assembly Lines to Algorithms: The Evolution of Automation. 12. Innovative Tech for a Connected World: The Power of Modern Gadgets, 13. Innovative Tech for a Connected World: The Power of Modern Gadgets, 14. Data to Decisions: Maximizing Efficiency with Power BI , 15. Beginner to Pro: Building Skills in Adobe Illustrator.
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