BADRE MUNEER - Rabi-ul-Akhar 1444 H. (Milaad Special Issue)

BADRE MUNEER - Rabi-ul-Akhar 1444 H. (Milaad Special Issue)

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In this issue
Rabi-ul-Akhar 1444 H. (Milaad Special Issue)
BADRE MUNEER Magazine Description:
Category: Culture
Language: English
Frequency: Monthly
BADRE MUNEER magazine is specifically and essentially published for the Dawoodi Bohra Community - the followers of 53rd Dai-al-Mutlaq His Holiness Dr. Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin Saheb TUS.
Articles are published in combination of three languages combined in all issues - Lisanud Daawat, Gujarati and English.
It contains Akhbaar Pur Anwaar, Al Iqtebaasaat al Nooraniyah, Akhbar Saadaat Kiraam, special articles like Taarikhe Islaam, Hikayat, Manzumaat, Nasihat, Akhbar-e- Bilaad-e-Imaaniyah and many enriching articles every month, with historical Naayaab photographs.
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