The Acropolitan - July - September 2017

The Acropolitan - July - September 2017

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In this issue
Jubilant and rejuvenated, New Acropolis’s 60th year anniversary is a joyful re-affirmation of the glorious dream to build a new and better world. To manifest this dream, idealists through history have embarked upon inner journeys that unfold from the deep yearning for change, a change that might unleash our true individual and collective potentials, fuel our inner flame, and empower each aspirant of this joyous path to serve by taking decisive steps up the stairway towards our eternal
spiritual identities.
We take this momentous opportunity to break free from our fears and anxieties, to dare to encounter the frontiers of our minds, so that we may once again seize our own humanity. To live philosophy, is to Discover, Awaken, and Transform!
The Acropolitan Magazine Description:
Publisher: New Acropolis Cultural Organization
Category: Culture
Language: English
Frequency: Quarterly
In Ancient Greece, the Acropolis referred to the sacred centre, that lay higher than the rest of the city. It was a place of inspiration; a bridge that enabled citizens yo connect to the divine, evoking the expression of the higher human virtues. Deriving inspiration from its purpose, The Acropolitan Magazine serves as a tribute to every citizen yearning for these higher principles in all aspects of Life: truth, Beauty, justice, Goodness.
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