TerraGreen - January 2023

TerraGreen - January 2023

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In this issue
The United Nations General Assembly at its 75th session in March 2021 declared 2023 the International Year of Millets (IYM 2023). In this article, Livleen K Kahlon says that with the UNGA declaring 2023 as the International Year of Millets, there’s a renewed focus on these nutritious grains. This move will serve best in the interest of developing countries, where almost 97 per cent of global millet production happens. But, it is going to take a lot of effort to change the mindset and lifestyles of consumers towards a millet-positive diet.
Cities as Global Actors - Enhancing Urban Leadership at G20
When countries negotiate climate action at high profile international forums, local perspectives and leadership largely remain on the sidelines. In this article, Rhea Srivastava says that with the UN estimating that by 2050, 75 per cent of the world's population will be living in urban areas, the interplay between the local and global will get more complex, and the global influence of local leadership and governance will only grow.

3 mins
Traffic Pollution Impairs Brain Function - Even Brief Exposure has Rapid Impacts
A new study has shown that common levels of traffic pollution can impair human brain function in only a matter of hours. The study was the first to show in a controlled experiment using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) that exposure to diesel exhaust disrupts the ability of different areas of the human brain to interact and communicate with each other. This first-in-the-world study suggests that even brief exposure to air pollution has rapid impacts on the brain.

2 mins
Potters in Delhi - A Survival Issue and a Way Out
Potters shape soft clay either by pinching it with their fingers or turning it on a wheel while pulling and squeezing the moving clay. Sarita Brara says that today the potters who have been making these clay objects for generations face a number of difficulties putting a question mark on their survival. Clay used by the potters that was easily available in the villages, has become expensive today and so also its transportation. Read on to know more...

7 mins
Revolutionizing the World of Yachting - GOIOT Becomes Technology Partner of the MODX 70 Catamaran Series
The new MODX-catamaran brand, created by Océan Développement, is honoured to welcome GOIOT as the official technology supplier of the new MODX 70 catamaran series. Arnaud Leblais, Managing Director of GOIOT Systems, tells us about the common vision that drives the collaboration.

3 mins
International Year Of Millets - Renewed Focus On Nutrition Storehouse
The United Nations General Assembly at its 75th session in March 2021 declared 2023 the International Year of Millets (IYM 2023). In this article, Livleen K Kahlon says that with the UNGA declaring 2023 as the International Year of Millets, there's a renewed focus on these nutritious grains. This move will serve best in the interest of developing countries, where almost 97 per cent of global millet production happens. But, it is going to take a lot of effort to change the mindset and lifestyles of consumers towards a millet-positive diet.

8 mins
Banyan Tree - Enjoy the Majesty and Mystery of this Tree of Life
Banyan trees are one of the most iconic and well-known tree species in the world. In fact, January 17 is celebrated as Banyan Tree Day. In this article, Dr Elsa Lycias Joel says cities need more banyan trees since they recharge the depleting groundwater table. Let's forget the inherent challenges that come with managing an unseen resource such as groundwater and start conserving and nurturing banyan trees.

6 mins
Mangrove and its People - Observing through the Sustainability Lens
In this article, Rangeet Mitra says mangroves are the only natural remedy for the people of Sundarbans in West Bengal state in India. Restoring mangroves will save the people and environment of Sundarbans.

5 mins
Look Who's Been Found! Some New Species Found in 2022
Amidst the disheartening news all around, 2022 brought forth some sightings to cheer. Benita Sen hopes 2023 will bring us more to be happy about.

5 mins
LM Wind Power Produces 50,000th Wind Turbine Blade in India
LM Wind Power, a GE Renewable Energy business, has completed the production of the 50,000th wind turbine blade in India. The blade was built at LM Wind Power's manufacturing site in Vadodara, Gujarat.

1 min
Tigers for a Healthy Tomorrow - Securing Safer Havens for Wild Tigers
India is home to the magnificent big cat-tiger. WWF-India began tiger conservation in the early 1970s by providing support to Project Tiger by the Govt. of India-the first-ever tiger conservation programme in the world.

3 mins
First-Ever Domestication of Cats With Invention of Agriculture
Cat genes reveal how invention of agriculture bonded cats with people in ancient Mesopotamia, leading to worldwide feline migration with humans.

4 mins
Pomegranate Genome Sequence - Application and Usage
With the aim of generating genomic wealth to support accelerated pomegranate improvement programme, the genome sequencing programme was initiated at ICAR-NRCP in 2015-16. The ICARNRCP has assembled a reference-quality genome (346.08 Mb) of pomegranate variety Bhagawa consisting of only 342 scaffolds with an average N50 value of 16.12 Mb. Read on to know more about this pioneering study...

4 mins
TerraGreen Magazine Description:
Publisher: The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
Category: News
Language: English
Frequency: Monthly
TerraGreen is one of the most respected monthly magazine dedicated to informing and enlightening its readers on issues of environment, energy, and sustainable development. Launched in 2004, TerraGreen has made an indelible impression on the minds of readers, both in India and across the world. Today, it enjoys a readership of over 40,000 and a subscriber base of close to 5,000. Helping the magazine along in its endeavour to take issues of absolute importance to the people is the fact that it is the only publication of its kind in the market; not only does it inform and educate, it does so in a subtle and reader-friendly manner. After all, the aim is to reach as many people as possible!
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• News • Comments • Worldview • Features • In Conservation • Red Alert • Cover Story • Special Reports • Perspective • TerraYouth • Wild Wonders • Green Product • Pioneer • Breakthrough • Review
• Environmental Research • Green Events • Wake-up Call
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