Rib-Tickling Jokes - R.K. MURTHI

Rib-Tickling Jokes - R.K. MURTHI

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In this issue
Laugh your way to long life
Rib-Tickling Jokes Magazine Description:
Publisher: V&S Publishers
Category: Academic
Language: English
Frequency: Books
Laugh your way to long life! The humourist, R.K. Murthi has tapped the depths of humour, struck a rich vein of rib–tickling jokes and put them together between the covers of this slim volume. These are jokes shared with friends, relations and colleagues during interaction with them which whipped up laughter on every occasion. Quite a few have been garnerned from books, newpapers, magazines, radio and TV programmes. These have been put together and presented under suitable headings for you to savour at leisure.
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