David Copperfield- All Issues

David Copperfield is born into a loving family and lives happily with his mother. When David's mother decides to marry the cruel Edward Murdstone, everything changes. Abused and ill-treated by his stepfather, David is sent to a boarding school, the Salem House where he makes friends with the unfortunate Tom Taddles and James Steerforth. David returns home upon the demise of his mother and half-brother. He is neglected by his stepfather who sends him to work at their family factory to earn his own livelihood. After spending a miserable life at the factory, David runs away to his great aunt Betsy Trotwood. David Copperfield never gives up and fights the odds, with the few people who love him. David Copperfield presents the life sketch of Charles Dickens. This novel illustrates a tale of innocence, courage, love, and hope. This whole story of the novel is based on personal experiences of Dickens. Several film and television adaptations have been taken from this novel.