World Mission Philippines - June 2022

World Mission Philippines - June 2022

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In this issue
The June issue of Word Mission reflects on the economic as well as social inequalities that impair our world today. This disparity causes harm to us all, especially to the poor. Christian Tradition has denounced unequivocally this unfair status quo. A Christian outlook on economics focuses on the dignity of the human person made in the image of God. It proposes solidarity, fair wages and a just redistribution of the material resources so that no one may lack the basic conditions to lead a dignified life. No one should live in poverty nor should there exist accumulation of unimaginable wealth in the hands of a few billionaires.
World Mission Philippines Magazine Description:
Publisher: World Mission
Category: Religious & Spiritual
Language: English
Frequency: 11 Issues/Year
An award-winning missionary magazine
World Mission is more than a window to the world. It provides intelligent analysis of the most important social issues, shares missionary experiences, and promotes justice, peace and integrity of creation. By subscribing to World Mission magazine, you become our partner, share our mission, help the poorest people, get to know the missionary work of the Church and participate in the universal evangelization.
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