Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine - #26

Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine - #26

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In this issue
There arose a wind sent by the LORD, that drove in quail from
the sea and brought them down over the campsite at a height of
two cubits from the ground for the distance of a day’s journey
all around the camp. All the day, all night and all the next day
the people gathered in the quail. Even the one who got the least
gathered ten homers of them. Then they spread them out all
around the camp. But while the meat was still between their
teeth, before it could be consumed, the LORD’s wrath fl ared up
against the people and he struck them with a very great plague.
So that place was named Cibroth-Hatthaava, because it was
there that the greedy people were buried.
Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine Description:
Publisher: Wildside Press LLC
Category: Fiction
Language: English
Frequency: Quarterly
Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine is a bimonthly (6 times per year) magazine offering the best in modern mystery fiction. It's not just Sherlock Holmes fiction (we publish 1 new and 1 classic Holmes story each issue), but great stories by new and popular writers. We have featured new work by Edward D. Hoch, Ron Goulart, Janice Law, Carla Coupe, and many more. And every fifth issue is a special "All Sherlock Holmes Fiction" Issue.
SHMM is authorized by the Conan Doyle Literary Trust, and an approved market of the Mystery Writers of America.
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