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VisKoors, which is editorially and financially independent, is a bi-monthly magazine catering for all angling facets in Southern Africa. It is designed as a specialist fishing magazine and it enjoys the support and endorsement of non-government organisations, but is not affiliated in any way to these bodies or to any other publishing, environmental or political interest group. Our mission is to promote angling as a socially acceptable and popular outdoor recreational activity, and in addition, to encourage acceptable angling ethics. As such, VisKoors provides pertinent information on a wide range of subjects. These include providing a platform for informed debate on issues affecting the sport of angling, providing information on angling strategies and techniques, angling waters and opportunities, and also creating awareness of new products. Within this editorial mix, due consideration is given to developing the sport among all the country's people (including the youth), and to the practical conservation of the country's natural resources. VisKoors is distributed country-wide by R.N.A. to outlets, not only in South Africa, but also in Namibia, Swaziland and Botswana. Copyright is expressly reserved and nothing may be reproduced in part or whole without the permission of the publisher. All enquiries regarding editorial correspondence, manuscripts and photographs should be directed to:

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