The Apple of His Eye- All Issues

The Apple of His Eye Magazine is a woman’s Christian lifestyle magazine. It is a companion for the woman who is starting her Christian walk or one who is well established in her faith. We look at her life holistically and bring her stories, testimonies and teachings that will empower her in different areas of her life. From fashion to beauty, legal and diet, we have it all covered. All advice and teachings are based on the word of God. Instead of the daughter of the most High God reaching outwardly to get secular advice on life’s matters, we encourage her to look inwardly to the Word of God and Word-based teachings and advice on all of life’s challenges. We bring encouragement through stories of ordinary women who have overcome much in this life and yet proclaim the goodness of the Lord in their lives. A lot of restoration takes place through the pages of our publication. We encourage ordinary women from all walks of life, from anywhere in the world to share their stories, it just might change the life of a fellow sister. Although operating from our South African offices, we have contributors from different countries across the world. Be blessed as you read this publication and share the news with others! Get in touch with us too at