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2SUNS  Cover - Issue 34: Christmas 2016 Edition
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2SUNS - Issue 30Add to Favorites

2SUNS Magazine Description:

出版社: Bob the Fish Publishing

カテゴリー: News

言語: English

発行頻度: Quarterly

2SUNS - the magazine named for a song about Armageddon. 2SUNS - the newsmagazine that laughs into the face of the abyss and hears the abyss laughing back. Newsweek with a noose around its neck, The Daily Show on downers, the product of the one-night stand between Private Eye and VIZ. The Situationist International propped against a bar, nursing a scotch and cracking jokes to no-one in particular. Every couple of months, a new and FREE issue of the newest, funniest, most incisive, most depressing newsmagazine on Earth: 2Suns. Because when the only sane responses to the state of the world are laughter and suicide, why not read the magazine that dares to try the former for a fleeting second?

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Antonin Scalia becomes former alive person, Republican Party shits self! Also: Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe Europe (repeat until June), and a light-hearted look at what's most likely to kill us all! It's the 30th ever issue! Have a reaction!

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