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The Crea-Shakthi Story In March 2012, Crea-shakthi began as an idea between 7 friends/ artistes who had a finance & commerce background with a collective passion for taking the craft of Theatre to greater heights, specifically for Chennai. Money was invested from our own funds and initiatives were created and honed as the fund started providing financial & artistic stability & growth to young aficionados of the craft. In less than 2 years, Crea-Shakthi has evolved into a Theatre Institution, under which operates a repertory theatre production company, International Standard theatre training centres for youngsters across the city of Chennai, theatre based learning solutions & consultancy provided to schools &colleges&corporates,curators of the largest youth theatre festival in the country, and managing a stand up comedy wing. The growth has been organic and extremely unique. The impact on the theatre circuit has been immediate with the future looking bright. Crea-Shakthi were awarded the CII YI emerging Entrepreneur Award for Art based start ups in February 2013. It operates as a firm and will soon be a Pvt Ltd company. Crea-Shakthi now boasts of several divisions within the organization catering to specific needs of the growing theatre & performing art culture. Such is the inclusive nature of the craft, that it is applicable to everyone and needs fundamental principles that govern our lives in general, therefore making more relevant and extremely liberating and eye opening experience.

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