Forbes India - December 4, 2020

The latest issue of Forbes India is about the Heroes of Philanthropy. The cover story shows how many super-rich individuals—from professional CEOs and bankers to venture capitalists and startup founders—are now increasingly involved in charity. Amit Chandra, managing director of Bain Capital Private Equity India, believes philanthropy is about leading by example. He himself has led several Covid-related health programmes, as mentioned in our story about professionals turning philanthropists. That apart, there are features on how crowdfunding platforms are raising millions and saving lives, and billionaires for change.
Is The H-1B Finished?
Immigration experts say the H-1B visa, long ‘misused’ and ‘abused’, has fallen out of favour with both the Republican and Democrat administrations for decades. Even with Joe Biden as Us president, it is unlikely to become easier

7 mins
Tale of Revival
After being on the verge of shutting down in 2017 following a failed merger with Flipkart, Gurugram-headquartered Snapdeal has seen revenue surge and unique customers grow with its focus on value ecommerce

10+ mins
The AIF Dilemma
While some fund managers believe the new sebi regulations about investment committees increase accountability, others say the rules will scare away experts

7 mins
Modern philanthropy has its share of charitable billionaires, but professionals are rewriting the gospels of giving by thinking differently about how wealth and expertise can solve social problems

10+ mins
Although a handful of Indian billionaire families have stepped up to help mitigate the pandemic’s fallout, India is yet to inculcate a culture of philanthropy

7 mins
The culture of giving is picking up in India as crowdfunding platforms flourish and commoners turn philanthropists to help those in need

9 mins
Credit, When It's Due
MoneyTap, a digital consumer lending startup, has grown exponentially by offering flexible credit options over the last five years. Can it maintain its pace?

6 mins
Locks of Luxury
Why Brooklyn-based Prose is betting millions that Americans will fork over $25 for customised shampoo. Then rinse and repeat

4 mins
With tourism funds drying up, wildlife conservation, and the people who depend on it, are facing a crisis

8 mins
‘Japan's Dynamic Climate Escalates Whisky Maturation'
Shinji Fukuyo, chief blender of Beam Suntory, talks about the natural and traditional elements that lend Japanese whiskies their uniqueness

5 mins
Forbes India Magazine Description:
出版社: Digital18
カテゴリー: Business
言語: English
発行頻度: Fortnightly
Forbes is the world’s leading business magazine and since its inception in 1917, Forbes has stood, unwavering, for one overriding principle: the unshakable belief in the power of free enterprise.
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True to its pedigree, Forbes India has donned on the role of the drama critic to Indian business. Since its launch in 2009, the magazine has helped readers connect the dots, form patterns and see beyond the obvious, giving them a perspective beyond the obvious.
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