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Style  Việt Nam  Cover - March 2019 Edition
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Style Việt Nam - Nov - Dec 2018Add to Favorites

Style Việt Nam Magazine Description:

出版社: Chau Bach Media Ltd.co

カテゴリー: Fashion

言語: Vietnamese

発行頻度: Monthly

STYLE is a fashion, beauty and lifestyle magazine, specified for readers who are open-minded,
willing to try new things and have fresh perspectives on life.
STYLE employs its own way of conveying messages, ideas and information. The magazine also
covers what appears to be trendy in fashion and lifestyle for all STYLE’s audiences.
STYLE was first published in 2009 and since then, has been gradually shaping its own identity and
has made a mark in the publishing market. Each issue touches on a certain topic which is relevant
to the readers who are on their journey of self-discovery and self-actualization.
STYLE also creates a series of events called STYLE Nite, surrounding many unique themes and
dedicated exclusively for its readers, clients and partners.
STYLE also offers great advertising opportunities for fashion, beauty and luxury service companies.

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Tạp chí Style - Tạp chí thời trang, làm đẹp và lối sống được phát hành bởi Châu Bách Media. --- STYLE là tạp chí thời trang, làm đẹp và lối sống dành cho những độc giả có quan điểm sống trẻ, tư tưởng cởi mở và luôn hướng tới những điều mới mẻ. STYLE lựa chọn và mang đến những thông tin, xu hướng thời trang và lối sống mới cho các độc giả STYLE. --- Tap chi Style

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  • digital onlyデジタルのみ

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