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Revija Story je zaupnica slavnih. Znani in uspešni Slovenci ji zaupajo svoje vesele in pretresljive življenjske zgodbe, delijo svoje vzpone in padce ter razkrivajo načrte za prihodnost. Je tednik z najbogatejšo vsebino, saj poleg intervjujev, zgodb in novic iz sveta slavnih ponuja tudi najnovejše modne in lepotne trende in vas popelje na rdeče preproge doma in po svetu. Izhaja vsak petek. Story in published every Friday. Famous, beautiful, successful and rich people let the magazine deeper in their own privacy. Story is their confidant. Get to know famous people from their human site. We also want to present you the new trend's on fashion and beauty and at the same time, you will be acquainted with everything that is going on with music, film, culture and on television.

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