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Men's Folio Vietnam- All Issues

Men's Folio, The Authority in Men’s Luxury Fashion and High-Lifestyle Magazine, has been over 20 years since its first establishment in 1997 in Singapore, appearing in Vietnam in November 2020. Men's Folio Vietnam aims to promote Asian talents, as well as the most prominent fashion trends through the seasons, converges quintessential articles, eye-catching images, and introduces famous figures of the fashion and entertainment industry in Vietnam and internationally. With an overview of the most prominent trends, we will offer you, the stylish gent with a penchant for the good life, the latest updates on the spiffiest runway looks and the coolest gadgets and hang-outs in town. MEN'S FOLIO VIETNAM is under the management of LUXUO MEDIA, the media group that holds the copyrights of other international publications such as L'OFFICIEL VIETNAM, LUXUO VIETNAM, ART REPUBLIK VIETNAM, YACHT STYLE VIETNAM, and WORLD OF WATCHES VIETNAM.

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