To dig or not to dig?
Should we be carrying out a full dig on plots now? Bob considers the pros and cons of the 'autumn dig' debate

The box ball blues
As if his beleaguered box hadn't already taken a beating, Toby now has to deal with some hungry box caterpillars

Save your own seeds
Masterclass on: seed saving

Strange sightings
Three unusual insects turn up in Val's garden in one day

A bolt from the blue!
Cornflowers are perfect for garden and vase

Winter moth prevention
Ruth shows you how to avoid maggoty tree fruits

Create a winter container
There are as many options as in summer

Lightweight gardening tools
AS well as being good for our mental health, gardening is also great exercise.

Autumn price round-up
AG finds better bargains in lesser-known brands

Rudbeckias are ideal for sunny summer patios and borders, with some able to survive our coldest winters

Autumn rose maintenance
Cut back, mulch and remove diseased stems, says Ruth

Keep the lawn looking good
Remove dead material and keep the soil healthy

Cutting back in autumn
Masterclass on: tidying up for winter

Sugar high
When contemplating trees to blaze a trail in a garden, there is nothing sweeter than the sugar maple, says Toby

Understanding photoperiodism
Steve and Val Bradley explain how daylength plays its part in plant growth

Better blackberries
Blackberries are some of the most reliable and prolific croppers in the garden so make more of them, says Bob

Up the garden path
Wildlife and visitors love the plants growing in Val's path

Tidying-up before autumn
Take time out to get everything straight, says Ruth

For a scented summer eve
Grow these around a seating area

Foxgloves (digitalis)
Modern foxgloves range from tall and elegant, bushy and punchy to simply delightful - both close up and from afar

Focus on... Compost heaps
Waste not, want not when it comes to recycling garden scraps, says Lucy – and the results of your endeavours will help to nourish the next generation of crops

In fine fettle
Comma butterflies are flourishing in fine weather, says Val

What's in store?
The hard work is over and the crops are gathered – but don’t let careless storage ruin your harvests, says Bob

Just sow and they'll grow
California poppies are great for poor soils, says Ruth

Bulbs to brighten winter
Forced bulbs provide indoor colour and scent, says Ruth

Cuttings for plant security
Propagate tender perennials before winter, says Ruth

Plant out hardy youngsters
Most plants will fare better in soil than pots, says Ruth

Bulbs flourish in containers
Growing in pots is the ideal way to brighten small spaces

Spring bulb season is here!
Start planting now for a bright start to the year, said Ruth

Plant your own Florist's garden
Want to save money and enjoy cut-flower varieties you won't find in the shops? Sow hardy annuals now and you'll have the pick of the bunch next year, says Hazel Sillver