Best Training Techniques For Muscle & Strength
Fitness Rx for Men|November 2016

Optimal strength gains are typically achieved by high-intensity training requiring the use of heavy weights within a low repetition range, while the best hypertrophic response is ordinarily stimulated by the use of moderate weights at a higher volume involving an elevated repetition range.

- Michael J. Rudolph, Ph.D.
Best Training Techniques For Muscle & Strength

Heavier weights augment strength principally by inducing greater neuromuscular activation of fast-twitch muscle fibers, which contract more quickly than slow-twitch muscle fibers, producing more power. The increased activation of fast-twitch muscle fibers from high-intensity training ultimately leads to greater strength gains. On the other hand, higher volume training more specifically amplifies muscle growth, in large part by increasing muscle time under tension, which increases metabolic stress— encouraging muscle hypertrophy. Several studies highlight these differences, pointing out that training prescriptions for hypertrophy differ considerably from those that preferentially boost strength. In addition to these well-established guidelines on training volume and intensity, there are some very effective training techniques that also precisely improve muscle size or strength. The specific use of these techniques will increase capacity to preferentially pack on muscle size or increase strength.


One of the more satisfying effects from intense weight training is the surplus of blood that rapidly fills your muscles as you train. This phenomenon, known as cellular swelling, or more commonly as “the pump,” creates an awesome feeling— primarily because it provides a considerable, albeit temporary, increase in size of the muscle being trained, giving a sense of accomplishment that strokes the ego just a bit.

この蚘事は Fitness Rx for Men の November 2016 版に掲茉されおいたす。

7 日間の Magzter GOLD 無料トラむアルを開始しお、䜕千もの厳遞されたプレミアム ストヌリヌ、9,000 以䞊の雑誌や新聞にアクセスしおください。

この蚘事は Fitness Rx for Men の November 2016 版に掲茉されおいたす。

7 日間の Magzter GOLD 無料トラむアルを開始しお、䜕千もの厳遞されたプレミアム ストヌリヌ、9,000 以䞊の雑誌や新聞にアクセスしおください。

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