Vintage Pharmacy Cabinet
An Homage to the Past by Embracing the Present.
Hand Tool Starter Kit
For a long time, there were really only a couple options to get started using planes and other hand tools: shell out big bucks for new, premium-quality tools that are ready to cut out of the box or learn how to restore old tools before you ever take blade to wood.
An Unusual Retirement
In Conversation with Plane Maker Karl Holtey
Hancock Shaker Village Daybed
Recreated from a photograph and measurements, this design feels both modern and timeless.
Router Carving
Ready-to-carve 3D images make it easy to produce finished machine carvings or hand tool ready roughouts.
Premium Impact Driver and Drill
TID 18 IMPACT DRIVER & T 18+3 DRILL COMBO PACK Festool festoolusa.comPrice: $549
Woodworking Accountant
An interview with furniture maker Peter Griffin
Mobile Assembly Table
Storage and utility in just the right size.
Mill Brass & Aluminum with a CNC Router
Add a new dimension to your woodworking skills.
Turn a Classic Wooden Bat
Learn how to beat the chatter.
Dragonfly Side Table
Angles and an artful inlay set this Arts & Crafts-inspired design apart.
Plans vs Proportions
Adapt a furniture plan with your eye.
The Clear Spring School Workbench
A perfect platform for teaching woodworking to kids.
Troubleshooting Planes
Practical solutions to common plane problems.
Japanese Street Vendor Stool
This intriguing utilitarian design is at home most anywhere.
Destroy to Create
When needs change, there’s no shame in repurposing.
Bow Arm Rocker
This modified design builds off a classic Morris chair.
Block Plane Basics
This versatile hand tool should be every woodworker's first plane purchase.
Shop Made Arts & Crafts Knobs
All it takes is a router and a bandsaw.
Quick-Change Turning Tools
Beginner’s Set
Feeds & Speeds for CNC Routers
Understanding the importance of chip load calculations.
Tricked Out Router Table
Professional Router Table
Plywood Office Suite
Build a modern workspace with just a single sheet of plywood.
Textured Jewelry Box
Turn a single board into a heirloom.
Take that special drawer or box to the next level.